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It means baby cells. I used to work in the molecular biology lab, and chromosome lab. These are not New Age medicine like Curezone. These are ways to synthesize a new organ like put a head in front of a police desk in a box.

Fitness program

Fitness programs, sometimes you join in a membership of clubs to go swimming, or go jogging on the machine. All of these are good when you make into a routine.

Let's see eating food has an edge....Fried food.

Avocado is like a fruity taste kind of food. Fried food, its oil fried food. Which of the two, are more edges, in your stomach? We were saying GI tracks? from your mouth down, a tubes all the way to stomach, to intestine, to colon, and out.

Steve Jobs

Where were you when Steve Jobs die? Taken out the avocado seed gallbaldder stone in the summer. I purchase his book one week after they publishing right in the Barns & Nobles, I was in Canada Career fair.


Do you mean microscopic, you can home purchase those micro lens, to see, cells? Bacteria is not virus !!! DNA and RNA are what know as the strings that has a 3D shapes. Now, a lot of animation showing you, as if they are in space. As if you repeated a mantra, they suppose to flow in space. But do you know they are actually inside a cell, cell has cellular membrane fluid?

Where is DNA / RNA?

The biology textbook will tell you the dogma is DNA makes RNA, RNA makes amino acid. That is the current time situation. But rumors of the newspaper in this bio chemistry world, everyone will tell you, RNA are the beginning of the ancestor, but no one says the reason why.

Helping DNA/RNA will helping us lose weight?

You mean your health and DNA has nothing to do with each other, or you cannot relate the subjects, why RNA, or DNA whichever the ancestor 3D module have nothing to do with the current situation you feel panting while you running for a while?

Textbook & the Law

When you see these video of mine, what is going on, with you, to say "Law" you cannot just deny its existence in RNA, and why DNA does not look like that, if you went to the Library of Congress to ask them my books. I haven't published it yet.

Biology Dogma

DNA makes RNA makes Amino Acid, I know all that. What do you want to ask? ( Also amino acid makes proteins structural, to then become cell, tissues, organs. We cannot make organs ...yet, or a lot of people would not go to the black market for organs trafficking? )

How is the DNA related to the Health, if saying Genetics?

Inherited you mean? Particular names? Something about liver, many people will tell you, they all succeed in this field, called liver flush. At least where I read the article, or in person I visit to talk to.

So once the organs are made, there is no way, to lose weight from changing some programs in the DNA?

No. Running and work out, its the only way, you will lose all the fat, and stop eating too many foods. Like when I am on diet, I eat salad. First few days, I use some potato chips. I crave the salt.

Why DNA is so important, they keep talking about it?

Because its inherited, and everyone all wish to have a blonde hair, blue eyes, or very very beautiul forms of a physical body, or physical manifestation. If you are more handsome, more taller, you will be more popular. If you have a nice voice, you could be a radio host or singer. People respect you, at least many people believe in that.

So what does people really do in this bio chem field?

Finding enzyme or one of those neurotransmitter, they finding mechanism in the body, at the cellular work. So if people investing in, yours are law, cannot be invested.... Right. You investing on their technical works. What does that mean? Sometimes, you train assistant to learn techniques, these techniques are coming from bio-tech company. They have procedures, and you use this procedure.

You used to say you worked in two lab, one is DNA, the other is Chromosome?

I cannot understand a word, you were saying. Chromosome are itself DNA, when you need to regenerate yourself, like new skin cells, your chromosome are coils of long DNA condensation will duplicate itself in the cell division, from 1 to become 2 cells. You hear that in Twlight, the guy flirts with the girl in the biology lab and she won a golden onion as the price in the end, they are talking about phase. Those are cell division phase.

So let's say someone don't feel breathing well, its their lung tubes not made well?

Right, it is already been made pipe, not smoking pipe, your inside from the lung to your mouth up to breath out the air that pipe. They already sensitive, because someone uses something to cause that. When you do something to yourself body, that body already made from 1 or 2 years old genetics information to grow up like an adult

Can cancer cell be killed by DNA/ RNA stuffs?

You mean using Virus to kill Cancer cells? I think there is a reason why they are utilize the stern cells, not Virus.

Is there a reason why bio genetics blooming so strongly since the 90s?

They were sequencing building database. There is a database I am telling you called NCBI. Internationally, some scientists do far beyond works. Are they against God?

How many times to see improvement?

10 You stay on bad habits and diets continue? Like after fasting you jump to your favorite food ? Yet?

If the liver flush so useful, why they teach you at all medical school ?

System.Human naturally are lazy. And once become fat, I will tell you, I need to slim down the way I want.There are teaching what’s a standard protocol stuffs. I think it’s all correct.But I need something worlds like magically and really works? The protocol starting from the teeth filling, colon, kidney, then last liver/gallbladder. You are too fast on your course.

If DNA has memory, like parents are negative thinking, does DNA carried on these trait of being negative to the next generation?

Most time, the geneticist will just tell you DNA only to do with the physical trait. Because DNA is instructional blue print to give cell instruction how to synthesize protein, to built cells, tissue, organs.... But you will hear some more New Age scientist telling you, DNA has other multi-dimensional function, that is to do with the consciousness.

Can you use your thought thinking to overide DNA, to create new body?

You mean positive thinking, or you mean telling DNA what to do? DNA is condons like chips. You can look for animation of DNA replication process.

Is Coma people have DNA replication process, like cell divison process?

Yes. Still going on. The body didn't die yet.

If I ask a doctor about my genetics information such as the question, I am asking you, anything to do with DNA, do they know what I want an answer?

No. You can just ask me, if you want to say, those maps. They are not publishing it yet, in the textbook, nor do they for how long will not see that books publishing it yet. Within the scientific worlds, there are many experts. What the landscape is doing, that those whom are in one particular field, not necessarily interested into your wanting-to-know field.

Say that again?

I say, people probably will just commonly agree, that is the Law. Not that to proven it, if were say, even possible. What it is not possible again, so your works can be invested in? I just explained to you, what on Earth to find a specie that has 64 condons in the trillions cells, of within, they are so perfect 64 codes that not just being invisible only possible, they might be rainbow color, beautiful beautiful, those things?

So no one ever found 64 codons beings used in one species, do you know its an plant or animal?

No one knows. Can the funding going to? You mean hire an explosion team to go to Amazon forest, or a high mountain to discover a magical mushroom, one of those searching worlds special force phenomenon teams? You don't need the researchers, you can just hire them, to find the plants, or the giant eating human plants invisible, and find a way to pack it, and ship it to Mayo clinic, they will run the genetics codes for you.

What exactly are DNA? To say codes, it really sounds...funny.

No they are not in codes, we annotation them as the codes. Do you believe that if you label things wrong, you magically create that living things in the wrong turn direction? That is what it is, with my I Ching continuation of research, I will tell you, I need to write it down. You believe history there are things don't written down? That is the problem.

You don't look like ...

I always told them, if I write that book, "The Hidden Message of Genetics Codes" I am ready and about to answer every question on the market? Don't you become the publisher of your books for simply, to say, one day, if I marching into the Textbook publishing, I suppose to know the materials inside out. And which degree of my photo, I don't look like?

So you were saying these codes have a function or not?

No particular function unless its paired up, like I describe to you the dogma DNA makes RNA, make Amino acid, the actually pairing up condon requires 3 codes, but they don't say "code", they say "codon" Is that the same thing?

When you decoding your map, do you think that is a map?

I was initiated into a Quan Yin Methods, contemplation of Light and Sound. Similar lineage, or exactly the same like Sawan Sigh, Great Master lineage. They teach you mantra, which is 5 names, 5 Holy names of God, and they describe you the region or light or sound at the time of initiation, so I know all those details, before I crack the codes and decoded.

What is DNA an instructional blueprint for our genetics means? I heard that from the video

For example, you like your skin wrinkle? Line on your skins? or how the shape of your mouth, to compare to the movie stars? You mean appearances ! Correct, all those the plastic surgeon needs to modify what you like or don't like about yourself in your parents given you those traits, are DNA instrucitonal blueprint made of you.

When you see everything is made of DNA, I just want to make sure, eyes color, hair color, skin color, hair texture, skin texture?

Like what kinds of the shampoo you buy, do they change your genes in your body? No. You apply them external. You have a skin layers that protects you to access to your internal cellular body made of cells, that blood vessels passing by to deliver oxygen and nutrition. Meaning? You just apply cream on your body, when you feel dry. You don't eat it down shampoo.

Does RNA function like DNA, because your map, looks more like an apparatus, so maybe research.....

No, RNA they process DNA materials. There are mechanism in DNA will do a original copy, and then duplicate another strand of copies. Meaning you will always have an original copy of your DNA. Like a backup. Yeah. When you say process, I am confused. Your RNA map looks very neat looking. In real life, I already told you, that map does not exist in the real living human being worlds, or any kinds of you can see species, if they have an ability to be invisible, like insects. They show me, insects can go invisible.

♫♫♫ So if the map cannot be found, the National Treasure movie you will be digging up with Eben (Song) ♫♫♫

Its invisible in the naked eyes, NOT ONLY THAT, but what it is to say just omitting the rest simple words, where is "anything marvelous with 7 colors of flowers their genome might be looking like 64 condon all used in their DNA composition", or "I wonder if they are beautiful human with wings on the back, or ability to fly without wings, which one do you like? Flying without Wings?"

Can you just inject something, and into your body, your body cells will modify DNA, or RNA, or amino Acid, or Proteins?

Do you know how much is the pain killer you take? 800 mg That is 500mg per capsule nowadays, you have 400 mg per capsule? Well, your body be injected with something will make your cell go relax and sleep, that is through cell membrane, from outside the blood vessel.

Replication of DNA process, I have seen in the animation

There are many terms they used to tell you how this mechanism of DNA strand unwinding itself and elongate itself to become two different strand at the end. What do you mean strand? DNA is double helix, like you see it on the most right. One becomes 2, remember I Ching, 2 becomes 4? So first you have to be able to unwinding this one original DNA strand. So when you open up that double helix, that is two strand? Yes.

So all the research in the bio-genetics world ...

The exactly terms might be more like molecular biology. What does that mean? Most people does research with the yeast and bacteria. What? Technically, you insert a vector in something smaller organism, you might find if it will work first, so later you say, you try on the more complex organism, like anything small mice.

Do they make a medicine, out of the DNA?

No, you synthesize a medicine, like aspirin, they are purely chemical. That means what? That is a chemist job. We are genome, bio-chemistry, bio-genetics, molecular biology field. If they are to identify something new in the living beings, like enzyme, like protein, can human just eating it down, to cure something? No. Your saliva contains the enzyme itself to digest your food, do you know that? You want to eat someone else saliva? Secretion? like sweat?

So is the chemist just isolate drugs, and bio-genetics just finding new function of living things?

Some people create weaponary ...Bio-weapon. Is clothing you wear is a chemist does? You want to know my field of knowledge, or you just asking what a chemist like me school degree suppose to do? Both. Every procedure of a synthetic process is a chemical process. You use a chemical dye on top of a fabric clothing brand.

So you use fire inside the chemistry lab?

Yes, we finding if the fire burns is because the oxygen exists. (red face) Like you are breathing. (red) So if the fire near me, in the lab, they gonna explode on me? When you use a match, inflame something or the chemistry lab they have this burner, they use to ignite the flames, its like you light up a candle, do you feel the candle will explode on or next by your face?

You were saying the artificial dye and dust ....

Vacuum package procedure will ensure the dust is never gonna be in the ingredient box. (Red) Is artificial dye is also a chemistry process? Its called a chemical reagent, if that is edible or not edible. (Red) So it is a chemical reagent? Technically you say food dye, not chemical, that labeling meant the chemistry lab stock rooms they stacking up reagent bottles.

Let's say I look beautiful, my gf looks ugly, how is our baby will look like?

The combination look, sometimes the baby took some traits from you, and sometime they took the trait from the girls. So the combination of the traits like...thin eyes, big eyes, you pick one or another. Then how nose is in between the eyes, is symmetry or sometimes some people are not symmetry as straight. Is the eyes have double lid to see bigger, is the eyes around edge when eyeliner at, its wider? Look the eye liner.

Does your parents know you are doing this?

No. You have no family member knows who you are, doing what you are doing, making website, and lecturing people online with stuffs you discover? No. You doing things for free, how you gonna live by life? I have to get things done in a very short amount of time, the last 8 years time. And one day, that time i finally can breath. I seriously need to breath. So life already turn much better when I can really breath and rest quietly.

Does the genetics are the only way, to make someone beautiful? I know you cannot just change it

Right What is right? Genetics, are your parents passing down genes and traits. With these genes and traits by default, you cannot just say, you know if there is a sunlight mutation to change your eye rims all edge around, or hair color from brunette to blondes or naturally you are rhythm to the music sound.

You used to say something, if you can prove the court that math 1+1 is not equal 2 by ET laws or methods, you can get a lot of money

Right, same with chemistry, physics, or biology. I did say all that, correct. What makes you so believe the chemistry law if ET law is different from us, the court will rule? You mean flying UFO? Anti-gravity? Kind of.

If I can prove the court, that ET technology can surpass the law in the chemistry periodic table

I will get a lot of money? And get a lot of people killed Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology? Chemical engineer they use the same chemistry periodic chart. You sure about that? If ET proven all of us law has a flaw, I can send you to jail?

I don't have your book, The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes

But I read about the National Treasure, and Orientation Table. I was wondering how did you originally have thoughts to decode RNA codon. I just feel I want to invent something, feeling it, and I start to open textbook, and make a drawing to start. One of those yellow sheet with lines, I start to draw the chemical structure of RNA, or DNA. At that time I know the dogma is DNA makes RNA.

Is orange citric fruits? Yes

What kind of raw food do you usually eat? I have another website for that. URL: Does a chemist improve the food taste? Yes. So they are food chemists? Kind of blending with nutritionist, I think, those label marking, has some % of nutritions in it.

What makes you so sure, the ET laws, would not replace our today's world Math, chemistry, or physic, even your biology too?

Did I just tell you, you can sue a lot a lot a lot a lot of people, starting education department textbook publisher? If I am going to that way, the textbook publisher one day to make money with my maps, I will surely let them know, you have an interests to overthrown them works since 1900 science in the textbook on .... Math if you put two coins, that is forever 1+1=2.

I just think the ET laws might ...

Do you know how serious the real scientific world really are? To be able to publish a paper in the peer reviews journals, you need to be examed that paper by many people. So there is a magazine called Nature !

Did you ever think ET has a different law from us from where they come from?

We live on the Earth gravity. ET this word, tell me its longer words? (Red face) Extraterrestial. Meaning outside terrestial ...if they coming near to the Earth, they have to re-learn everything. Re-learn everything? You don't know if they intake water, do you? This is the water planet, I explain that in the One Photo session of my other side. And now, you can watch, what is the wet planet is doing, to so called, the Water Portal Gates.

Explain my AGT video, City of Light ( RNA map ) The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes

I am not sure if I can answer you what question, there are poeple does the military orientation table, they need to figure it out their National Treasure movies. 1. Where were you? Niagara Falls 2. Is that where Tesla Statue are? Not too far from it. 3. Why did you decide to go there? Up there, is much north than where I live, and in the winter time, the wind is very very strong as you can tell in the clips. As I was designing the song, I actually brought the electric piano, to go there, to film the music or film me myself playing. There is no toilet there.I got a bucket to prepare to use because I know there is no one there.

AGT you only shows one map ...

I have a map in RNA, DNA and amino acid. No Proteins? No. I Ching is another one. You all use the similar methods to finding it the double pyramid shapes? Yes. They are all double pyramid shape. I used to see Indian facebook of a guru for 2012. He advocates some of the doomsday, but he introduces some of the artitechure in India. Its the same double pyramid, but you cut them in half, and glue to the tip together instead.

Is enzyme cures people, or is proten cures people?

Enzyme is to help a reaction to facilitate a situation. Enzyme is a type of protein. But not all proteins are enzymatic carrying in an enzymatic reaction in the body cells. But proteins you have heard, help to build muscle, don't you? So...if they say, you take some proteins from your daily diet needs, you eat this this this this and that food.

When you take things out of the body, have you ever crave for food, what kind?

Northern cold weather of China region foods. My father side of food. Many China vendor selling them, flour types of food. On my website. Do you overeat? No You don't miss the food? I don't dare to mess up my hard works and also, every time after the real fasting, and few days without the solid right food, my internal system if touch any part of the wrong side of food menu, my internal organ will scream. So the correct way to say, I forsake of food, the main reason was, I got pain too many times, after fasting, I quit on doing that. Because internal organ hurt, I really feel the pain. Inside pain.

Do you believe parasites are also God's creature?

Just kill it. Don't question it. I mean, do you think of it they why inside us, and makes us have some more acidic envrionment? Do they cause us to be more acidic? First, you have to know where are the parasites, most time they say in the colon, you do a colonix, you will find out they come out. Those area are called GI track. GI track is a long tubes of from your mouth to your anal, so there is empty space in the stomach, like air to breath. Air is not to say acidity or alkalinity of your blood statues.

So GI is a digestion system, like a stomach?

The stomach is the GI track. But you called it, the digestion system, nerve system, bone is a system? No, bone is the structure, muscle is the structure, from the last question I say. Systems are like, lymph system, blood system, nerve system, digestion system, reproduction systems. So you know about these systems? I just explain to you some definition of words, your health class middle school, might just all have it defined for you, if you keep the textbooks.

Then what is the function of a liver, you photo these liver flush of yours?

They secret enzyme, to store in the gallbladder, called biles. If your gallbladder is full, you cannot store the biles. The biles are used to digest the fatty food. Meaning the fried food? Yes, the fried food. How is allergy relate to liver? Highly ! So you do a liver flush enough, your allergy can go away?

Do I feel that the genetics and our life is too far off connection? Is cellular memory talking about DNA memory?

Yeah the DNA is stored in every cell, your body is literally everything is made of cells. The cell makes tissue, makes muscles, makes organs. Because you see, DNA is very very small, that is why when you see the animation, they use code to demonstration to you, they look like a chip idea, but they really are not chip idea. They shorten way to draw that to you. If you really see the original chemical formula, you will get confused.

Do I always compel to be a scientist? In my country, high school has different majors to go entry College exam, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

I am the 2nd category competition, meaning science without biology. Mainly physic and chemisty. I actually hate physics. But what you do right now is genetics, that is biology, right? Yes, its biology, but these dogma, really just not that complicated. We learn this chart in high school, so everyone could already decode them when they are in high school.

DNA Artarian - I Ching Website When I was decoding I Ching, I use a pen. Its very dizzing, but I will tell you, if you have a brain to use my law to try to solving it...the way how to write the codes in, that is every line, every column, every whatever you see in degree of something will tell you, there is a pattern in this I Ching with the law I am using in my books, to see all these strange things, "in every few rows, or in every few column"

Do you use cells to create building or house?

Hays. If you are seeing the dry things they are very heavy? You can buy at the certain season time, very very heavy. I have seen people go green with it. That is cells? Dead cells from hays. You ask a very strange question, no one will say that. But I know what you are saying. You want to ask something like bio-fuel? Like investment? I don't know much about bio-fuel.

How does a vaccine is made?

They need something from something to trigger something within the human immune system to generate a defense system naturally. Does it work? Yeah, that is how kids all taken all the legal said vaccines starting from very young. Like you have a booklet how many vaccine you have.

Do you say DNA, or RNA your discovry just happened to be 8 years ago happened, to save COVID 19?

They are sequencing the genome of the virus from COVID. They are database built on that. They are producing the vaccine to cope the crisis. Do they actually ever say they use the law of DNA to program the genome? That is an existing virus. Its created already. Virus is already alive. DNA is not alive? They are chemical structure of some shape called double helix to give a basic definition those seen structure are DNA. They create genes, on the chromosome, to say, that later we have genome sequencing technology. You are looking for a cure, or you are looking for a technology?

You are saying your discovery is the law?

Right. But you cannot prove it? To find something on Earth? I am not sure that things exists in which dimension. There is a dimension issue? DNA is multi-dimensional, you have heard that saying on the market. I am saying, there is a possibility. I cannot really prove you the reason I know why.

When you say you cannot harvest a human to create medicine ...

I mean vitro and vivo envrionment that the scientists legally can carry the experiments, without the worry that there is God issues. But they use the mices? Yeah. Do they create medicine? You keep asking about the medicine. So you didn't listen to any part of DNA talk, how it is to do an insert codes of DNA, to start to see something happening at vitro level, like yeast, and bacteria are so small organism, dead is fine.

I am confused. When you say genetics, do you mean DNA, RNA, or including amino acid, protein, cell, tissue, what organs?

No. The books name is The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes. You are asking about the genetics codes. So that means? DNA and RNA. Not the rest? You can just lay out their structure, if they have codes on top of them, like UCAG, that is code means. U is a code, C is a code, A is a code, G is a code. So condon chart is? Specific saying on RNA. They are 3 letters in a group, makes the entirely one codon.

If I am new to this Bio genetics field, how can I question, as an investors?

I don't want to know the techniques some bio-tech company invent, you spend 24 hours in lab doing. I want to know the reactant to the final products, why you have a reactant and why you have a end product, the exactly theory behind these lab you are working at. That is sufficient? Depending on whom you wish to talk to might offend them. Because they working in the lab 24 hours. Sometimes going back after dinner to check results.

What is bio-tech company that gives you all these procedure kits so you have a beginning reactant to find the end products?

A series of procedure, at the end, you kill the cell, for them to open up, and hoping one of the things you looking for....if a cell is like a sea clam, open up, and split it out the pearl. That is how you describe it? Yes ! So you always have to kill the cell to get something? 

Do you have a booklet or some kind of manual, or textbook, written things down for what you said, to explain all this?

oh ! This article directory entire articles? No, these are just people ask me, so I answer them. But if I need to look up some explaination, do you have something you reading from, textbook is fine. My middle school has a textbook, my college has 2 textbook. The rest was in the lab, the first lab I have to do the presentation, I look up the peer reviews journals, or animation to see the actual DNA replication process to do with the mismatch enzyme mechanism.

Is DNA molecule bigger than one water molecule? Yes.

Is one DNA molecule or compound bigger than one carbon dioxide molecule? Its an entire chemical structure represent One Genetic Code. Its not just a symbol U, or C, or A, or G. Is studying chemistry will help to study DNA? Structure, are using the same ideas behind, its called the chemical structure, their bonding interact with a different force to connect the complementary base. How between "atoms" those things are very real, exactly the same like the chemistry studies taught you.

People who uses drugs, to destory their brain

The DNA cannot regenerate another brain cell, it got eaten away, so sometimes they look very dizzy unconscious, because part of their brain is missing. So DNA cannot do a thing if the external force to damage the body is created? If you scrap your skin, you can heal, that the DNA can do. The others, no.

If DNA is inherited, is there way to use our thinking to modify the program?

My eye color is green, you want to tell my DNA to change to blue, you send out brain wave to me or to you, its about the same? No, I mean self talk, to cure illness. I would think you check your liver statues, because its very common. No, I mean the New Age saying, that all the detox in between, there is some consciousness talk to the DNA, and to eliminate the bad thoughts?

So you don't believe in dreams and multi-dimensional experience?

Dream might be just some kinds of existence, lower plane of consciousness, and above the mind, you cannot see it anyway, you ever think of it, there is dimension is above the mind? But yes, people love the subjects about the dreams. I know the dreams. So why you don't want to talk about it, I want to hear it in DNA.

But you have a map in RNA in map, you say they are multi-dimensional?

Do you actually watch my video? How to be (multi-dimensional ) ^2? So what are the DNA are for or RNA can be for, to say they are multi-dimensional. You go to get some guru initiation, and they teach you mantra, and if that mantra happens to be these map meant, you are all said, to go and cleansing your precepts issues on these DNA, like you treasure these teaching to the fullest.

So you don't ever talk about New Age, DNA, Dreams, or some psychi things in life?

I am not a Medical Doctor, but I will tell you I run science textbook publishing that day, if I ever rule, I will tell you, the scientific peer review journal, its where you should go and trying to get a job, and tell me about the things I already explain to you. That is the structure of the DNA. You talking like your DNA is just a name DNA, with one strand of things that hanging like your hair.

I haven't seen the maps, but if these maps works so well, how are you going to use it?

Technically speaking, most researcher will use the map on creating the amino acid. That is the first map, RNA, you already seen it in the video. Why is that map specifically? That create amino acid, its actually what most researcher are looking for enzyme, nuclease, proteins later on structural organelle...

Let's say, you have 4 maps, they are all double pyramids looking, roughly. Can they be located somehow? To be test it out, and seen on the image graphs black and white?

No ! You mean a perfect double pyramids? No. Why not? DNA are double helix, that in order to twist them into double pyramids, you would think you can do that. Right, just twist them. They are already condensation, pressing each other. Correct, they are all pressing each other, and condensed and DNA are twists, except I told you, the human DNA are not 64 codon contains. At least I never heard that.

The way you are saying it sounds like, the scientists today shouldn't be discovering something somehow? or I would say that if I am an investor?

One day, people would question millions of scientists, why they don't just take time discovering this map, other than those trivial things as if their eyes only look at the money. When you say, the scientists only care about to discover of something, aren't they millions to be discover in every Kingdoms of species? Yep, you never finishing discovering them.

Let's say you are about to write your books ...

Right. Can you just pick any scientists work on special things for the reader like me cannot understand biology what they invent to say calipillar is 500 codes repeat to turn into a butterfly? Nope. Why not? The discovering a substance within the cellular level, that is why they are called molecular biologist. A molecular level. Meaning? Some organism living things being created, if you just put a name to published, and acknowledge those function is what interests to the scientific worlds, on the existing research, they are.

Do you believe human reincarnate?

Yes Can DNA seen that? What your DNA is heard at the present doing a particular mechanism, it is that, there are two kinds of exon or intron spliting gene mechanism. What does that means? It means your DNA is copy and paste and proof reading. My DNA research intern in City of Hope 2003 is something close by "proof reading" DNA.

When you say genes, are they DNA? Yes. And when you say genome, they are still DNA? Yes.

When you say Chromosome, they are still DNA? Yes. When you say the only shape of something that is double helix, that is also DNA? Yes. The mechanism of DNA and RNA are complicated different ! If just by hearing the sound of the codes, I thought RNA are like DNA a long string of codes. They are becoming a long string of codes, they don't exist, if DNA does not exist first.

What do you suggest the today's scientists do?

First, the animal kingdoms are talking to me. That is a not good sign, they know I am a doctor and a scientist and none of you talking to them, to find out their secrets. They have something you do not find out, you will have the problems in the future, they agreeing you exist or not exist. Do you know that scientist guy the Japanese author just die? Too old? You might be thinking the most important things are the works in front of you. But if you just drop your works and come working with me, right now, for any reason, will look much better on you. I have a feeling ... ... What?

Can you say again these RNA if human creates life at the first ...

There are rumor from the religious leader to tell you, the higher form of planet, how they create human. They use light. And in today's American Classify, they will tell you they establish a communication with ET. So let's say, me Anna and a bunch of other people disagree on everything with the science, they just go straight to the ET greys a phone call to straight out a question...

What if the center dogma of biology has a problem?

oh no, they will not wait for that long, if I just told them that ... So what if there is a problem? I just told you no! The big Corporation or military private or hospital affiliate, especially like Mayo those kind organization, has to go and finding out a lot of the hearsay secrets like Victoria Secrets?

So just one dogma if went wrong? Does people ever thought it could ever get wrong?

I don't think so. I didn't say the dogma is wrong. For some formality, it might be always gonna be true, so you inherited from your parents, or you are born from the flesh of your parents, meaning you are a mortal saying to be true, that dogma is true. What? There are Lotus born child, peach child, monkey from the stone child, bamboo child, or those 仙鶴 child. Chinese legand or myth, or Japanese legand or myth.

If the dogma can go wrong, they would have already thought about it, before they create the central dogma?

The generation of our society, its not going to change over night. But yeah, if saying we are meeting the new human, does not need to sleep, does not need to eat, having 24 hours more time than us, jump, leap, and bounce....what my life could be to become? How do you feel about this? I used to do liver detox, as you can see the site. One day, I never need to prepare 3 meals a day, and washing and preparing food. 

So you are saying if people don't choose to a higher living, even change the central dogma of creating a human society, the new and the old will clash?

You are not going to change that methods of producing a baby immediately. We are not getting a technology to let's infuse light in the body, to fix every physical health problems you ever have. I have to manually do the liver flush to get rid of the stones, now, there is a high tech, can just coming in, to erase all the liver stones or gallbladders stone,

When you say today's scientists, they co-relate data, and find something new inside the you mean the body already created that, or they make the yeast or bacteria makes that?

You are talking about the human body? The human body. No. They are not discovering in the human body. The stage of where the vitro, like yeast, and bacteria, to one day to mice. That is the mice level, not the human level. Why not human level? You care about it? Just want to know what do they do whole day writing the scientific paper? 

Can you say it again, when they use yeast and bacteria to express a gene...

When you formulate an experiment, you want to create something inside a physical vehicle, except on a human, so we will use the yeast and the bacteria. What is that your formulate? The expression of a gene, or expression of a design sequence, that they got inspired from a genome sequence. What is exactly the genome sequence is? They give out something signal to create something in the body.

Can you describe to me what you understand in the film Elizabeth Holmes, from what you heard that in the story?

Its a documentary long hours of films. I don't even remember from where to watch. My brother insists my mother to watch with him. I happened to come out. This story is about she is trying to sell a machine. This machine/kit can run the tests, and she claims that by making an easy way of collecting the blood sample, she is going to change the world of how to treat a paitents so quickly so sufficiently, everything is count on her.

For the investors, we always want to make money, in the real human worlds.

I know, there is only real money in human trial, but you don't do things like that. Why not? The reason you have a medical care, let's say the drug prescription, its that your family doctors to tell you to go to the specialist, like the cancer doctor, or the X-ray doctors to see what's wrong with the X-rays. Many times they will tell you they will do some tests, so they take the blood sample and send to the labs. These referral labs are individual private owned.

If we ask the birds about the genetics, do you think they understand what is the genetics?

No, they shouldn't have. That is inside of them to the very small degree. But you see they are intelligent, understand the human language. That is an ability, your genome gives you an ability. Meaning your DNA from your parents, give you an ability. So all ability is from the genome? Yes. But the ability is not the hair color blonde, or the blue eyes, or elf ears those kinds of physical traits. You have an inclination of your Intelligent to develop, you are prone to the breast cancer because of your family history. Ever heard those? 

How many ways can you run a genetic test?

Saliva, or bloods, I have heard. The hair...I wonder that is what the CSI says. I don't know clear. Pee and Poo No, those are the waste forms of your body fluid or solid. They shouldn't have your genetic information in it. But they use the urine to tests others things. So proven your books, its to prove your maps. Have you ever thoughts to run labs to proven those maps? Of course not. I was never thinking to do anything but to just tell the public that is 1+1=2 Math methods we derived a 64 codes of double pyramids. Just by telling them that the committee, someone can just getting a sequence numbers of a 64 codes, they might never need an evidence, just ask you how you did it. Because, its almost impossible to think of this.

Does Project Camelot knows ET, those people, or you know ET, on genetics?

I do not know ET to be on genetics. They are like they say, they are whistle-blowers, they say a lot of things about ET or they went to interviews some people that is in the classified world nature, or military, to speak about things they comment on ET I guess. Are you guys friends? With the Project Camelot? No ! I am by myself. What do you think they think of you, if they found out your works? Probably don't like me. Because the ET stands more on my side, that I am a human, and their boss know that. ET does not like them. 

So why are they doing the genetics on the yeast, or the bacteria, if that law does not comply to the Human world, that not one day, that experimental gonna run on Human?

They mimic ! Because for the DNA replication process, lets for simplicity, we say "DNA replication process only", we just assume all the creation are doing the exactly the same mechanism. All the same mechanism? Yes. Just DNA replication process they assume that, or they assume everything else they can research on? They compare data from the previous scientists, when they decide that argumentative thesis. They probably won't go far behind trait like Human is not like Butterfly, so that segment of DNA sequence, we will definitely not interested enough to find out why the butterfly before and after, cannot fly verse can fly. 

§ How to make money with your stuffs?

You can follow the current trend of people, using the maps from RNA, to see what's saying in I Ching, and in Amino Acid, because DNA and RNA are just codes, to most people that the code does not have a meaning. How do you make it a meaning?

§ How does these biochemistry students come to find their degree of thesis that will work in their PHD program?

A lot of them starting intern younger, so they follow some professor around. They can ask them, they can go to some conference to hear other people to say. Like which area of topics, they gonna make money? Its more to say, which area of their experty will be hired in the academic field. From my perspective, people are so busy at those works, but not on RNA codon chart.

§ If we say, we want to change the DNA codes, like change our inherited situation?

Its too long of a codes, you mix up just looking at them. So they are not like 10 base nucleotide? No. You talking about the gene traits. Your inherited genes has some characteristics, that you want to change. Right. Per cell? Every cell including the reproduction cells.

§ Is GI track part of the body system?

No, GI track is GI track, its part of the digestion System. You have other systems like Nerve systems Circulation systems Lymph systems Reproduction system My middle school textbook at least saying all that. Is there a breathing system?

§ So when you specifically say Liver, you mean that is an organ cleanse, not like the hospital has a washing kidney procedure?

No. My medicine is not the hospital system. We are opponent. That system of curezone, is not allowed in today's medical industry to practice, or at least to cure. You have to go to Mexico, they let you do the juicing called Gersan institute. But as long as I don't save anyone, or trying to save lifes, they won't come after me. But you know everything about it?

§ So is there DNA in the liver, DNA in the kidney? How about bloods?

DNA and RNA are in the cells of the Liver cells, the Kidney cells. The blood its where they carry the oxygen to reach these cells, so the cells don't die out. So the Organ die out if all the cells have no more blood going to. Meaning do they look red, when you do a surgical works taken out? Yes. Like the heart? Yes. Because they must be full of the blood?

Can you say again, about DNA is in the blood, or we are the blood contains, so the full body is the blood, so all the body has the cells?

DNA is in the blood cells. The blood, they are blood cells. You just called them the blood. You don't say blood cells, liver cells, kidney cells, but they are as it is known as Blood, Liver, Kidney. Meaning you suppose to just say the blood cells, the liver cells, the kidney cells, if you are molecular biologists, to the investors or the patients, but most people are probably confused more.

Do you see these things clear when you answer my questions, or you just know it by the memory, like filling the blank?

I see these things clearly. So I can just ask you any type of questions? Yes. I started at the DNA level, so I have to know everything above the DNA level to build a full functional human body! The doctor does not build a body? No. We the DNA scientists build the body.

So say again the skin cell, where the blood beneath, or the skin tissues you transplant last time you say, from the butt to the do you say that again in the correct description ?

You will say the skin tissues they process in the lab, its to see, if in the future, their synthetical skin tissues can just directly copy and past to your first degree burn side cheek, instead of using your butt skin, to do that jobs. And those skins tissues are growing from the patri-dish are so simpler to easily, let's say a new methods of implant the skins to every part of mode skins or hairy skins to make it smooth. And beneath these new skins tissue implant to your body, are the blood that reflects to the skin, you have blood vessel underneath it.

Now, there is a biology dogma, when you say, the cells build the tissues, build the organs..

And the systems later....There is a gland system, I forget, like your tear glands. Are they a dogma? No, those are just process how the physical body is built after the dogma was giving that the law. So there is no way to stopping it? From the baby, no. Is there DNA in the system?

Is there a way to sound smart, when we approach them, let's say I don't know anything about DNA, the physiology, or the system, or the tissues works you do...

And the systems later....There is a gland system, I forget, like your tear glands. Are they a dogma? No, those are just process how the physical body is built after the dogma was giving that the law. So there is no way to stopping it? From the baby, no. Is there DNA in the system?

Can we start all over this .....again?

Okay, you have a body, that you can see, feel and touch. You have a sense from your skin, that tells you, you can feel everything around you, like hot and cold. Right. You say God gives you the spirits in order to discern the life right or wrong to live a full grown-up person.

Can we repeat some stuffs about the body, you say the temple of God?

You have heard the Zen saying the body is the slave of the sense. Correct. Well, how do you mastery your sense, if you don't even know what sense you are indulging at, like the enjoyment of the food? Spicy, sweet, are they overly indulging, in your mind? No, if eating too much, that is it. Not all day eating the same food, but I like food, love food.

When you say flesh, bone, and bloods....are there words like bloods cells, you add one word cells behind it, but it is a blood?

Correct. They are all the cells made from, the muscle cells, the bone cells, the blood cells. And there is a blood vessel? The blood vessel, contains the blood to flow to every part of the body, to reach the flesh, bones, and the organs, brains, foot.

How about the White blood cell? We don't say white blood, we say white bloods cells.

Correct, they are the lymph cells, the white blood cells. Are they the white cells? I never seen it, I saw the cartoon made of. Probably it is. And they are? Immune system types. Like if you jump, leap and bounce, like trampling .... if you go to the massagist, some of them might do that to you, its to scatter it out that area. Loosen it by massage at it.

If GI track is a long tubes of all....might be entailing the reasons when we burp. like the air coming up, that means?

You have gassy situation inside your stomach. Not from the colon? They go down, to the anal, the gas parts. You know this for sure, or you just know it by guessing it? I know it for sure. How?

Is the nose inside has blood, like we bleed our nose. Those are the same blood cells under the skin?

Yes. Its called the red blood cells. Like anywhere you touch your body, they are the red blood cells, like they travel? Yes, they travel and got filted by your kidney 3/4 per day. So not all the blood are getting filtered. They getting dirty? Very dirty by the food, by the drink, by the mood, by the thoughts. Some of these healing crawl or Arjuveda has some truth of it, if you reading their books. Your body process everything.

If the skeleton not there, I know the body collaps....but what about the head? Is that not called Skeleton? Are they part of the skeleton?

Its called the skull. Olaf in the Frozen movies does not have a skull, but Iron man, has a protected shield outside the skull. What? Helmet. I meant there are ways to say about how to see a protected gear like a skull. The skull is a protected gear? Is the skull part of the skeleton?

When the Bible says the temple of God, how do you define it? Flesh, bone, and blood?

Its a frameworks. The body is the entire frameworks of the home of your spirits. from the toes to the head. Is there consciousness inside the toe? Sometimes you just hit it at your napping table in your office after you dreams? Isn't that a reflex? Your body, someitmes have reflex, correct.

§ When the body feels the pain, does DNA feel the pain?

DNA is like a chip saying, they are so many codes in the letter representation. No they don't have a nerve system to feel the pain. Do you must have a nerve system to the feel the pain? Yes. You are 100% sure? 100%.

§ So to keep healthy of the body, the juicing and the liver flush is the only way?

I would tell you, yes, the only way. You will start to look different too. How do you embark a new lifestyle of the diets? I am not used to. To truly taking care of yourself, you need to have less outside activities. You need to focus on making the juice, buying the fruits and vegetables, stack them up, peel them, clean them, juicing them, and put them in the bottle. You might keep doing that for 2 round in a day, for you to have some preparation of serious fruit juice drinkers. You mix in between the hours, with some waters, and you keep your fitness program going, like the walking, the jogging, the running.

§ Is juicing will change the cellular memory?

Your cellular membrane fluid. What's that? The fluid inside the cells, where everything inside the cell floats. Including DNA? DNA is actually in the nucleus, but when RNA comes out ...your genetics information and eventually the proteins that the cell makes, they will be exposed to this your new dietary environment, which is a more light food, a living food.

Can you make up something? Any question?

Like what? Something to ask people whom suppose to know something? You can ask like if the human does not have the wings, how do people go and becoming to have the wings on the back through genetics? How about the butterfly, can you just mimic something in the butterfly to copy and paste in the human genome pool?

Do the hunger anything to do with the DNA?

Nope, its your stomach felt the hunger. I am just trying to understand the movie: Hunger Game more. No, there is nothing about the genetics you need to know for that film. The Jurassic Park recent movies, yes. How about the Saliva? That is the glands.

If we become more clear in our mind, does that help DNA to synthesize a better skin, like regenerate? I know they are not brain cells, they are just the skin cells.

No, Why not? Because location is at your skin. Your brains cells are neurons cells. You want to see if you cultivate your body and mind, you can influence of everywhere else the body, no. You detox, actually drinking water, shower, cleaning inside with the juice, to the physical means to drinking down liter of liters liquid to wash up the blood internal, your physical body will get better. Not through the mind. Its a physical built body, you have to use the physical means to detox it.

Thinkwell, UK University of Kentucky basic Biology College Class.

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Questions & Answer

