▼ What is DNA an instructional blueprint for our genetics means? I heard that from the video

 For example, you like your skin wrinkle? Line on your skins? or how the shape of your mouth, to compare to the movie stars?

You mean appearances !

Correct, all those the plastic surgeon needs to modify what you like or don't like about yourself in your parents given you those traits, are DNA instrucitonal blueprint made of you.

RNA does not do this?

No. There are different type of RNA. When you say how the body store the information, you will mean the DNA, not RNA. You heard most is Messenger RNA, in short name: mRNA.

I thought DNA genetics means the inhertied diseases to passing down to the baby.

DNA is creating everything about you, that including inherited disease, that is part of you, maybe whole life you cannot change that. You called them the Gene Traits.

So Is Gene DNA?


The chromosome is DNA.


So if the birds looks like the birds, its because of the DNA?

Yes. All the things you see the living being, living creation that create under God.

Why don't you just say DNA is God?

You can now insert vector, small fragment of DNA to insert into yeast gene, to see, how they act on their gene expression. Sometimes you understand, the gene can always passing down, but they don't express.

Meaning, no seen.

No seen. Like in my work, one time we have receive a case that the chance of this women will born abnormal baby is how much percent so high, she has 4 kids, and none of them has those traits, It was amazing that had happened.

Good Karma.

Technically, as a geneticist, you don't place karma in this words, because you just really wish the chance of spem and the eggs put together, there is nothing like that ever happen. Like someone I knew, born a kid, you wait til the day he talked, he was tuttering. If you really work in one of those lab, when you see anomoly trait, you really just see it. There is no telling lies about it. I understand that, the world outside people because they never really seen the gene expression like Chromosome, what that is, can they really be seeing a data report of someone's genome situation? I will tell you, if you really work in one of those lab, and be the expert in those fields, its solid data. Its so soild, I have no ideas how to describe to you. 

"That is trouble. Its real"

Because you really just seeing it in chromosome marking. (labeling)

Can you show me?



What does this mean?

It mean, you look at the pair, to pair them, because in the real lab setting, they are everywhere, total in 46, they are so random folding, you use your eyes to identify, one by one, to see, the marker if they are identical.

 This will be the real graphs.

Multiple reconstruction of barley karyotype resulting in complete  cytological marking of the chromosome complement | Semantic Scholar


How do you know they are paired?

If you look them long enough, you will be trained.

Are you be trained?

I used to.

So you were not librarian the first base of your career?

No. Lab work intended.
