▼ When you say you cannot harvest a human to create medicine ...

 I mean vitro and vivo envrionment that the scientists legally can carry the experiments, without the worry that there is God issues.

But they use the mices?


Do they create medicine?

You keep asking about the medicine. So you didn't listen to any part of DNA talk, how it is to do an insert codes of DNA, to start to see something happening at vitro level, like yeast, and bacteria are so small organism, dead is fine. 

That is what it is saying?


How do you say these bacteria again?

E-coli in the test tubes at the incubator to grow, and ready to be experiment.

What is the insert code again?

Whenever you doing something with genetics, first is you have to know everything is DNA, but where the location of the DNA to spill out the genome right sense, this is the location where we insert a gene or code to make something create something like proteins, you will be seeing it showing up by applying some techniques to see those proteins coming up.

Not enough amount to make a medicine?

You don't really use e-coli to make a medicine. You are trying to discover, to discover something to make a name in the scientific world.

Just a discovery like yours?

Maybe similar, they will make a name of themselves, if the things they discover are significant.

So the students and PHD all they do all days in the lab its hoping to be the discover of their experimenting e-coli by inserting codes, and guessing where they will end up a product, that says its a protein, that protein is a discovery if been seen by the technology.

Correct. ( I say that, happy? Like you know how to ask/answer a question? )
