§ When the body feels the pain, does DNA feel the pain?

 DNA is like a chip saying, they are so many codes in the letter representation. No they don't have a nerve system to feel the pain.

Do you must have a nerve system to the feel the pain?


You are 100% sure?


So if someone took your nerve system away?

You don't feel a thing numb. Touching you, none. Someone carassing you, like you like the feeling, but touching touching, that finger tips, nothing.

Can you take the nerves system away from a person?

oh no, you don't want to ever do that.

Why not?

Because I only tell you the sense of the touch by the nerve system, you have the eyes and the brain that function because of the nerves systems.

You are 100% sure?

100% sure.

Like you took away the skins, and then the nerves?

You just want to imagine the process?

I just want to know how it is their systems are made?

Spine, your spine are full of nerves. When someone gives you a massage, you ask them to focus on the spine, and all around. You will feel it.

That is the spine feeling or the nerve system feeling?

The nerve system that is around the spine, that feeling.

You 100% sure?

100% sure.
