▼▼▼▼▼ Can you say it again, when they use yeast and bacteria to express a gene...

 When you formulate an experiment, you want to create something inside a physical vehicle, except on a human, so we will use the yeast and the bacteria.

What is that your formulate?

The expression of a gene, or expression of a design sequence, that they got inspired from a genome sequence.

What is exactly the genome sequence is?

They give out something signal to create something in the body.

Are the yeast body creates the things similar to the human body creates, once that insersion of the genome sequence is inside the yeast?

They postulate that could be possible, but you never use a human to do that.

But isn't just getting a drop of blood, a human cell to do that?

No. The yeast or bacteria or amiba, those kinds, you say they are cells. Human are already big huge humungus muscle build, eyes build, brain built individualism Body.

What does that means, the size of the body is different?

The evolutionary scale is different

Do they just always live in ...

Liquid, we human breath on Earth.

So the living environment is different?

The incubator, where you harvest them, that is different.  

What do you mean harvest them?

Multiply them. Grow them.

Can you grow the human cell like that?


Why not?

E-coli is a living thing, a completely full organism. Human size is what is in front of you. E-coli you cannot see, but they are not just one single cell only.

So one drop of blood is one single cell only?

Of course not. There is a chemistry unit, you can learn? A lot a lot a lot a lot of cells.

So if I sent my sample to the lab, to check my ancestor, they use all my blood, I have to give them more blood?

Correct. There is an incident just happened in the Silicon Valley, there is a women proclaim, she has a device can quickly detect bio lab works of all disease with just how much small liter of blood she advertised at, she is being charge, and soon be on trial like this year or next year. Its a true story, my brother shows to me and my mother. ITs a real bio-lab situation with Walgreens, they believe her, and actually just ship her machine to their entire population client base. Its a horrifying situation. They have on Neflix, I think.


Tell me about it.

She fake her voice. Elizabeth Holmes.

These people I have no ideas why they buying her words, including that deal with Walgreen. Like this is a real event. And what happened was ...She was able to find all these investors within an area of people whom just all believing her words, that by just extracting a small amount of your blood sample, she can use this device in-built in the Walgreen, to actually run a lab test right there, but in fact, later on, they just taken more blood sample, and sent to their lab behind to do the testing? I don't know all the details, you have to watch it, I think its a ridiculous story, so I am not sure if I am telling you the correct story version.

There is a Kit, and she demonstrate how small and tiny that Kit is, and they run all the experimental "Blood contaminate works" all in this one closure kit, the TV shows you, the opening of that box, how the complication of the machine can do?

Can you actually see, how closure that machine, device is? But the things are, all the ivnestors all believing in her. I thought the TV is joking to me. 

I see so many supernatural things, including my MD friends are all on Bermuda Line, I will tell you, are all people just really really plotting me? They want to tell me, someone in the Silicon Valley, can recruit a completely idiots investors to gives out what money, and one day, to even convince Wal-green, the chain store, to shipping their device to do a closure works of blood sample, that is all the illness, and genetic disease, on the page paper that they sell? By one ounce of blood? One liter, one small tiny test tube? That test tube? You should see her lab logo, and advertising flyers. That testing tube, she holds? Why don't you ask me? You put dry ice in it, you use your finger touch it, it will explode test tube?

Do I see it wrong?

I thought it was the most ridiculous story, I keep seeing and hearing....So I never comment on it. I have seen too many strangest stories not add-on another....Silicon Valley? Didn't I just be in the Silicon Valley? My phone is from Silicon Valley, you want to tell me, those people Silicon Valley, I know whom, might know me, want to tell me, they have no ideas, what she did?

 Look !!!

And she built it the Billion what number was that, the Billion dollar company !!!

Do they even write the court paper RIGHT, this time? Do you know which questions you suppose to ask her?

Do they know what she did at all? When you saying the genetic nature of DNA, RNA, correct, you don't need a lot of blood, because inside one drop of bloods, there are the gazllions cells in total, But when you doing a human running experiment, people only see one drop of blood when you place on the glass transparent slip, like the TV shows you, you have to use what your eyes can see to measure "What is the only convenience" story of our technician bench work side that is only 30,000 dollar per year, not our time? The most convenience story of our time?

She is the revolutionary story after Steve Jobs Die?

She should die on it. Not just jail with it.
