▼ Amniotic fluid

 Update: I put some article content on the right side columns.

 It means baby cells. I used to work in the molecular biology lab, and chromosome lab. These are not New Age medicine like Curezone. These are ways to synthesize a new organ like put a head in front of a police desk in a box.

A liver, a pancrease for Steve Jobs desk, or a brand new wings to hook on the back of your shoulder, coming out, closing in.

I thought you hate the phony like today's medical profession.

You mean every New Age delivering new methods of holistic nature of practitioner, yes. I am not really practicing on others, or you would say I do not really put my attention of saving other by making some products.

What are these amniotic fluid you mention. 

Stem Cells. In one area, if they don't go to Monkey, or some mammal to start.

I thought you work in the lab, and cure yourself on your own spare time.

I also work in the home, decoding DNA/ RNA sequence.

What does that means?

It means it has a breakthrough, like I describe to you above on the wings, called DNA upgrading mutation instead of downgrading mutation like cancer. 
