📱💰You used to say you worked in two lab, one is DNA, the other is Chromosome?

 I cannot understand a word, you were saying. 

Chromosome are itself DNA, when you need to regenerate yourself, like new skin cells, your chromosome are coils of long DNA condensation will duplicate itself in the cell division, from 1 to become 2 cells. You hear that in Twlight, the guy flirts with the girl in the biology lab and she won a golden onion as the price in the end, they are talking about phase. Those are cell division phase.

So they are biology lab, with different technology, or bio tech, or what? 

Both. Procedures are different, that is followed the state law protocols, governmental regulated. First lab job I have was in City of Hope, we were doing the mismatch system. Identify nuclease, Protein, enzyme are proteins.

Second job, are chromosome, its to identify, why the baby die, or bone marrow patients, their genetics information.

So they are very different then. 

One is research lab to getting a govenmental funding resource to discover more mechanism or substance within the bio genetics area. The other one is to finding a reason why the baby die, or the cancer patience why they have a genetics disorder. 
