▼ If I ask a doctor about my genetics information such as the question, I am asking you, anything to do with DNA, do they know what I want an answer?

 No. You can just ask me, if you want to say, those maps. They are not publishing it yet, in the textbook, nor do they for how long will not see that books publishing it yet. Within the scientific worlds, there are many experts. What the landscape is doing, that those whom are in one particular field, not necessarily interested into your wanting-to-know field.

So the doctor is not train to know anything genetics?

They are train in their specific area. Maybe you can try the women's doctor. 

No, I mean I want to create a full grown human, from the map you design.

No, you mix up. That map is not designed.

Not designed?

Its decoded. It always exists, its just someone to discover them. To run a physical evidence to search, because right now, you see everything on video are just hypothetical scenario, being caluclated out, by me. But in the real life scenario, no one sees it the physical true evidence of it. Nor will they ...possibly to say ever well.

Why Not?

Because that map, I already mention, its all the Animal kingdom, plants, insects, marine life all life forms using that map. We human only uses certain codes, not 64 codons.
