▼ What makes you so sure, the ET laws, would not replace our today's world Math, chemistry, or physic, even your biology too?

Did I just tell you, you can sue a lot a lot a lot a lot of people, starting education department textbook publisher?

If I am going to that way, the textbook publisher one day to make money with my maps,  I will surely let them know, you have an interests to overthrown them works since 1900 science in the textbook on ....

Math if you put two coins, that is forever 1+1=2

you cannot possible make 4 !!!! That's it ! Do you try the multiplication table first?

Try it !!!

2+2= 4

So you count orange 2 with another 2 in your hands, is that forever 4?

Its forever 4 !!! 

If you have a friend A, you are B, and with another friend 3, holding 2 lemon each 

that is forever 3x2 =6 ! You can only have 6 lemons in total counts !!! 

The warehouse that carried bottle of waters will count lines and rows, to use the math multiplication table, their invoice whatever sheets they needs to see the money, will NEVER try to be wrong on math 9x9 table counting results !!!!

