§ Then what is the function of a liver, you photo these liver flush of yours?

They secret enzyme, to store in the gallbladder, called biles. If your gallbladder is full, you cannot store the biles. The biles are used to digest the fatty food.

Meaning the fried food?

Yes, the fried food.

How is allergy relate to liver?

Highly !

So you do a liver flush enough, your allergy can go away?

Many people will tell you so. I never really have an allergy in my life, to tell you if it works or not. But for my period cramps, it reduces so much so much so much. It still have some discomfer, but its not like it used to be.

So what you think the ultimate reason for your period cramp?

I think its the reproduction, and spine, on the back of pelvic bone area. I took X rays for that reason. Cayce Edge talks the most on the spine works with the chiropractor. I did try with them, they do have some technique, I would not say all doctors are useless. Some do have some experience, and those things works too.

You would mean, not just the liver flush important, there are everything I have to do, if I want to get my health back?

