§ Is juicing will change the cellular memory?

 Your cellular membrane fluid.

What's that?

The fluid inside the cells, where everything inside the cell floats.

Including DNA?

DNA is actually in the nucleus, but when RNA comes out ...your genetics information and eventually the proteins that the cell makes, they will be exposed to this your new dietary environment, which is a more light food, a living food.

You think its really working?

It's really working.

Can you don't do the liver flush?

I would suggest you try sometimes, one or two times, just for the sake of the curiosity. There is a protocol, you don't just jump into the liver flush. So you could stay on the juicing programs for months, and never thinking about the liver flush, to let the kidney be a little bit light works from the previous few months, and when the times comes, you take some olive oil and lemon.

I don't believe those things too much.

I think everyone is different on the takes with the medicine. I just like to experiment news things on myself, that sound like, you know, something interesting, I go for it.
