※ Do you believe human reincarnate?


Can DNA seen that?

What your DNA is heard at the present doing a particular mechanism, it is that, there are two kinds of exon or intron spliting gene mechanism.

What does that means?

It means your DNA is copy and paste and proof reading. My DNA research intern in City of Hope 2003 is something close by "proof reading" DNA.

Is there s a terms called Copy and Paste in DNA?

The spliting gene, exon and intron.

The same things?

Yes. But what we don't know is, which one is your past present and future karma. They are just not being expressed, to be used. So when you define karma, like.... not yet rip, are your hair going to be white at the old age? Or when will the storage exon being express or there is so small and tiny chance they are being express and no one knows...

So there are religious terms can be apply to the DNA?

Yes. If you just ask me. So called Collective karma, or family inherited karma, but you have to have a mechanism being trigger so these gene will express in a way, that will cause some trait to happen.

Some are the health reasons?

Some are, correct. 

Does the son or daughter always always always will look close to their parents no matter what, or like their grandparents.

Always, correct.

That is the genetics definition?

Its because your genomes are given by your parents sperm and eggs. Its directly from them.

So, if saying their sperms and eggs getting the information from their parents, we inherited the grandparents hair color or eye color?


Is that blood line related? Meaning blood related?


Why don't they just say DNA related, but saying the blood related?

You have to know, bloods are the most results the ancient people see you. No one sees DNA in the past. And right now, you are not very sure what's DNA, they are just a bunch of codes and sequence in genes, that has a marker's point, that no one really understand their expression is accuracy, or random, or if they can be manipulated, to become a cure, without making a cure to let's say taking a medicine anymore by will power.

