※ So you are saying if people don't choose to a higher living, even change the central dogma of creating a human society, the new and the old will clash?

 You are not going to change that methods of producing a baby immediately. We are not getting a technology to let's infuse light in the body, to fix every physical health problems you ever have. I have to manually do the liver flush to get rid of the stones, now, there is a high tech, can just coming in, to erase all the liver stones or gallbladders stone, I spend a decade doing all those jobs, just become zero? you believe high tech will just coming in, and people like me doing the jobs to become a little bit human, you could just infuse the light and become angelical? No, you imagine things, you pray you hope, your illness will go away. You life is wrong, that is why the illness is there. You are too lazy to do anything, wishing me this wishing me that, if the central dogma will ever be wrong...there are ways to do thing, that central dogma, can be blurs. Because you are from your parents, there is nothing wrong with it. That's my answer.
