★ Can you say again, about DNA is in the blood, or we are the blood contains, so the full body is the blood, so all the body has the cells?

 DNA is in the blood cells. The blood, they are blood cells. You just called them the blood. You don't say blood cells, liver cells, kidney cells, but they are as it is known as Blood, Liver, Kidney. Meaning you suppose to just say the blood cells, the liver cells, the kidney cells, if you are molecular biologists, to the investors or the patients, but most people are probably confused more.

That is what the DNA are?

Yes. DNA are in the cells.

Any type of the cells?


And they are fed by the blood?

No, they don't feed by the blood. The blood passing by the outside of the cell, to deliver oxygen, and nutrient inside the cells.

Are the cells blood contains?

No. The Cell is the cell, your skin cells are white, not blood. When you see something red, blood, contains, that is where the blood are. The cells inside is called the cellular membrane fluid.

Its not hollow?

No, its liquid base. You need to hydrate your body, for that reason.

You know its very confusing.

Right. My jobs has to go above the doctors, on these terms, because we started at the DNA level. Others they are biochemistry, may not be so needed to tell you all these terms, they are at the Cell levels. Not the DNA level.

If we hire the medical doctor, will they know all these?

They will find out all these for you, not necessarily, the first meeting they know or they remember the details of their textbooks.

What do they remember?

Illness and the reason why to prescribe to your the medicine without side effects?

