※ When you say today's scientists, they co-relate data, and find something new inside the body.....do you mean the body already created that, or they make the yeast or bacteria makes that?

 You are talking about the human body?

The human body.

No. They are not discovering in the human body. The stage of where the vitro, like yeast, and bacteria, to one day to mice. That is the mice level, not the human level.

Why not human level?

You care about it?

Just want to know what do they do whole day writing the scientific paper?

Anything to do with the human, that is called the clinical trial. I don't think so. The reason they can boldly hypothesis, its because its at the killing level, yeast, bacteria, to mice. If ever touch any human standard, oh ~ the entire procedure or the discussion of anything has to tight up laws....it would not be just publishing a scientific paper, which is....just mice level is all right. As long as its shown results, they don't need to care if that ever gets to human, for any reason at all. They might be just identify genes are all known to be express to do something. Its always about the gene, because genes can create something. If something does not get created, you don't see it on the gel to be photo copy image. 

The body always created something because we have DNA, that there are genes are doing all that create something in the body. What the scientists do, its, they insert a sequence of something they decided, into yeast, force them to grow something inside their body, you would NEVER NEVER do that with the human race, NEVER. Your can harvest a yeast to do all that but not on human.

Is that painful, if you do that?

For the micro-level organism? Technically they are micro-level, so they die out is destine, they will all tell you all that.

Will you doing all that?


Your birds and bugs issues?

You know ... this is how bad it can ever be, to say, my books discovery was destine without an experiment, just by math 1+1=2. That kind of simple math. And all this scientists all around the world for 8 years....8 long years under God's watch, that one day.....its really gonna be bad, I will tell you that much. No one cares about the Kingdom of God. Their job happens to land in that formation of karmic cycle. You just hope, those yeast and e-coli really just they say, there is no consciousness I found in bugs, like now. Bug, pest, lizards, roaches....these entire world of them, are all working together to tell me something. I keep seeing that before. And I have keep seeing that now. Well ...My theory if cannot be proven, it will always be on the paper only. They will all be telling you that. And because I will not go into the lab, the scientists will never felt being threaten other than I just keep airing my romance story, none stop of the sexual ideas in the Bible judgement Day. The scientists they will tell you not the reality. I would just say, you are absolutely right. 8 years ago, I thought the history I found Westinghouse was wrong, now today, its all painting all gangs here !!! 8 years I continue to be the Renaissance Number 1 Chair. My destiny I guess its Art formating, how can the scientific community to feel ...collapse?  One judgement day ! 
