▼ When you take things out of the body, have you ever crave for food, what kind?

 Northern cold weather of China region foods. My father side of food. Many China vendor selling them, flour types of food. On my website. https://annafoodcooking.blogspot.com/

Do you overeat?


You don't miss the food?

I don't dare to mess up my hard works and also, every time after the real fasting, and few days without the solid right food, my internal system if touch any part of the wrong side of food menu, my internal organ will scream. So the correct way to say, I forsake of food, the main reason was, I got pain too many times, after fasting, I quit on doing that. Because internal organ hurt, I really feel the pain. Inside pain.

For that reason, you will not eat?

Not thinking about, unless mostly mono-diet, like don't mix up the food too many kinds.

Like process food?

At home, we only have fruits and vegetable. Your mean the process food, mostly are flour products or one of those pasta package? They are processed. No, I do not eat pasta now. 

Internal organs hurt?

Yes, actually it is.

But if you really need to eat it?

I can eat it. The process food, just meant they are a little bit thick food, sometimes with the world, that kind of taken some food, not to overly extreme, I would also do that, occasionally. But I stay away most of time. Like my mother and I went to this Herbalvore, She and my rest of family one day, all ordering pasta, I was so shocked. I had sandwitch, and now I have burrito as my favorite food. Some rice.

So you eat rice?

Yes, I eat rice. But most time going out in the restaurant.
