▼ Is orange citric fruits? Yes

 What kind of raw food do you usually eat?

I have another website for that. URL: https://annaonrawfood.blogspot.com/

Does a chemist improve the food taste?


So they are food chemists?

Kind of blending with nutritionist, I think, those label marking, has some % of nutritions in it.

I used to watch the food network, they have this scientists does food some kind of yeast making bread, are these procedure is step by step designed in the lab?

Yes. The professional package, the food package that commercialize. The Food Network, they probably just hire the chef, the main chef to create some recipe that the general public can follow easily.

So when the food chemist creating a taste, they really do utilize the lab procedure, to be editble and taste fine in the pallet?

Of course. Like Bubble Tea. They are all artificial flavor, if you just keeping a menu from them. For example, Lychee. You cannot possibly to keep lychee raw fresh taste on the shelf for a week.

So those flavoring are all chemistry lab made of and shipped to these small dealer?


Do they do the artificial raw food taste?

Raw food movement guys will tell you, to stay away from artificial flavor, and preservative, that is why they are on raw. But if you ask me as a chemist, that if food combine, like citric fruits belt, lemon, grape fruits, and orange itself ratio to play, to find a good balance of taste, those are natural flavor. Kinda similar to what I create right now this drink of mine.

So, it won't be artificial flavor added in raw food.

Technically no.
