▼ If I am new to this Bio genetics field, how can I question, as an investors?

I don't want to know the techniques some bio-tech company invent, you spend 24 hours in lab doing. I want to know the reactant to the final products, why you have a reactant and why you have a end product, the exactly theory behind these lab you are working at.

That is sufficient?

Depending on whom you wish to talk to ...you might offend them.

Because they working in the lab 24 hours.

Sometimes going back after dinner to check results.


You can go to more like the University professors, they have teaching experience and lab experience, and most time the committee process is very very strict. The actual competition application might be thousand, for one faulty position in the University. You just started to learn bio-chem, or bio-genetics.

Is bio-tech company creating what technique, like a technology?

No. Those things are like hospital they purchasing the medical equipment, like CAT scan machine. As an investor, your money will be used at the technician to stay in those lab. For exmaple, in Taiwan, nurse is a very low educational people entry college, you can just give up your life, and become a nurse, that salary is 30,000 NT to start. But these technician, not just to travel very far outside the main city, they only get start-up 40,000/50,000, and they can just hire the newly fresh graduate students for these techniques to use in the lab.

You can just train anyone with the techniques?

Right, but you prefer to have the graduate students, that is new, still stays in the school, and mostly they are already in the lab working environment on something in that nature, so first, their knowledge does not forget. For example, my working resume, my actual paper date back is 2003, or 2006 the both DNA lab or Chromosome Diagnosis lab. The actual biology textbook I ever study is in the middle school. College I have 2 class but they are basic. I just realize a lot of people, if they don't stay in the school, if becoming like me running outside for 16 years, doing something else, they first don't remember a thing what the class taught them. Second, they may not even have a background in working with the labs. Some even if they have working experience, they got confused with the actual techniques or the theory of itself. If I myself doing that inquisitive things, I will find things out with a lot of people. Which I am not the investor, I don't need to do that.

Do you always know this stuffs, or do you have a book you can study, with what you write?

I used to work in the lab, so I actually present my work profolio in front of the professor doing the summer intern in the City of Hope. So anyone does that supposes to know what the working environment was and why I work in that lab, and how and why each of these basic reason why I enter the lab. Like at least to know if that is my future career I wish to be. So its the same thing when I get the first job after my college. Its a Chromosome diagnosis lab. Meaning I know enough stuffs at the basic level. I did all that. I may not remember the details how to carry a bench works, but I will know why the lab is there for.

Do you know ET?


I saw the Porslin Doll, the Reptilian and the Grey. Do you believe that stuffs?

To live my sane life, no. But I listen.

What are the things you are fighting them about?

Movies. American never say, they talk in English, or they just break anything in pieces tempament like trash the street kids. But apparently, we don't cross my original works on paper. Its all on the movies, if that is the story, they are telling them and everyone.

What do you think they will say about your work?

... ... on certain level if to do with the professional works, they would not have acting like that probably. Professionalism on genetics. Its just as it shows on the paper. You cannot just make 1+1=3 and believe that yourself?

