▼ What exactly are DNA? To say codes, it really sounds...funny.

 No they are not in codes, we annotation them as the codes.

Do you believe that if you label things wrong, you magically create that living things in the wrong turn direction? That is what it is, with my I Ching continuation of research, I will tell you, I need to write it down. 

You believe history there are things don't written down? That is the problem. 

With the research works that go far beyond the Time, there will be coming to a degree of "telepathic culture" or "telepathic society"

DNA are noted it down as the codes, they are chemical structural, a long string of struction, tight to each other with some kinds of inter-force in within, so there is bonding.

Bonding meaning, they tight together, so later you see muscle, cells, your skin does not fall out of your face, to see blood only mushy looking horrendous of movies ghosty monster eating human face off scenario.

How come you know all this? 

What is that?

I meant, if the DNA is just drawing like a code, I do not understand why someone don't just draw a bit like chemistry class, there is a reaction A to B to C, finish, reactant and products, Solution and precipitation.


But do you know there are millions millions that structure, called million million structure of DNA condensation themselves into chromosome, so that in the cell division of the baby phase, you will see they duplicate themselves and separate.

And in the real Chromosome lab, I used to works, we have to do the coloring, so there is marker's point, to see heretic disorder, inherited disease for the patience, or the decease ones?

 Just means, you cannot precipitate, to see it in the solution?

Its not that easy, these are living things. Are you defined your chemistry class or chemistry lab clearly? What's your name? 


Biology is a living thing, like we are biological creation from God. When you say a reaction synthesize, that is a synthetically process, those are not living biological being, that one day, you will encounter laws states that, you don't just dump things to experiment like that, so they define the allowance degree, called vitro or vivo environment. Anywhere to say dump Human DNA in experiment?

Vitro means yeast

Vivo meant mammal, like mice.

