▼ When you see everything is made of DNA, I just want to make sure, eyes color, hair color, skin color, hair texture, skin texture?

 Like what kinds of the shampoo you buy, do they change your genes in your body?

No. You apply them external. You have a skin layers that protects you to access to your internal cellular body made of cells, that blood vessels passing by to deliver oxygen and nutrition.


You just apply cream on your body, when you feel dry. You don't eat it down shampoo.

Its poison.


You are a chemist, so I can ask you about the shampoo?


Do you mean if your hair touch certain brand of shampoo, your hair, like applying conditioning, you will have a smooth hair texture. So if I just leave the conditioning on it and go out.

Don't put too much, if you damp it, wet it with water, you will have a lot of problems.

So if I don't damp it whole day?

Your technique, you want to damp it. Just touch some finger tips with some water, Go with it on the hair. You are a guy a girl, makes difference.

Do you do homepathic? I saw your resume.

Castor oil, I done it.


I will tell you, for 2 weeks, I don't need to wash my hair, and my hair will have some natural curl as if its real. But I will tell you, there is something might stuck in the inside of the hair pulp hole places, sometimes you hate your hair if will fallen down, you are not sure of it. But there is one time I done all that, for 2 weeks, I never iches at my hair, whatsoever.

And shampoo will?

Yes. Sometimes make you feel you have to wash every single day.


Yes. I test it. But that was after I switch my lifestyle from rural area to back to the metropolitan City to become more city people lifes. I start to go with the modern technology. There is no harm really, but if people want to go fanatic, I can help them too.

Is that hard to do with castor oil, they are sticky.

Very. You will have some hard time, applying, and washing, but if you took time of that one hours, like castor oil so sticky, when you wash it, you lay down on your bathtube, to soak in the water several time, just soak in the water.

After you leave it on the head a while like the dyes?


Do they help the hair loss, like people don't want to have that kinds of ....bold situation.

If I were you, talk to MH. My hair did not really come out of it. I think diet is very important, stress they say they exist. But I have seen girls, she really has a horrible hair fall of. You could see the skin beneath of it.

Not a bad person.

Not a bad person.
