😖 So let's say someone don't feel breathing well, its their lung tubes not made well?

 Right, it is already been made pipe, not smoking pipe, your inside from the lung to your mouth up to breath out the air that pipe. They already sensitive, because someone uses something to cause that. When you do something to yourself body, that body already made from 1 or 2 years old genetics information to grow up like an adult. When you grow out of something that 30 years 50 years 70 years, you tore your physical body. Not the instruction from DNA, when you were baby, you need more of those instruction to create a fully grow up organs, like the heart, the liver, the lungs, the kidneys, etc.

So There is nothing to do with the health aspect in DNA, other than to go to do the liver flushing and diet changing?

Correct. There is no miracle methods, because everything you exist as you are, you are already given by God growing up living and breathing. DNA are only instructional blue prints, you cannot make DNA takes the entire body to ash again.
