▼ So why are they doing the genetics on the yeast, or the bacteria, if that law does not comply to the Human world, that not one day, that experimental gonna run on Human?

 They mimic ! Because for the DNA replication process, lets for simplicity, we say "DNA replication process only", we just assume all the creation are doing the exactly the same mechanism.

All the same mechanism?


Just DNA replication process they assume that, or they assume everything else they can research on?

They compare data from the previous scientists, when they decide that argumentative thesis. They probably won't go far behind trait like Human is not like Butterfly, so that segment of DNA sequence, we will definitely not interested enough to find out why the butterfly before and after, cannot fly verse can fly. There is a key process, and the human does not have that.

When you say, they decide the DNA sequence, what does that mean?

 It means that they look up NCBI sequence database on, let's say human genome and insect genome, how different variation they are, like sometimes depends on what trait you are exactly looking for. You cannot say the skin wrinkle is a trait, but a smooth skin is a trait on human, but insect does not have that? You cannot define something like that. But you can say, in the DNA rudimentary step, there are something called proof-reading mechanism, all creation all having that, to check on if DNA makes mistakes. So for that reason, there is something called the Mismatch nuclease, meaning enzyme that is helping the proof reading process. Everyone has that, so on the yeast level or the E-coli, we target that to identify that nuclease, by types. There might be different types of nuclease.

Not just one type, one enzyme?

No. But when you postulate that, you need a product to see on the gel, and be photograph it, whatever you decide we will be finding its workable. So that is when you decide how you want the sequence of DNA be insect into a design format, to isolate it out that nuclease. I actually don't remember the exactly that paper was written about. We did the vector, and PCR, and in my time, there is nothing come out. The target things we cannot get it from the yeast. And I am not sure which sequence that lab was using to insert the vector. There just have no products.

If someone does something like, can they find a cure?

You want the cure from yeast making stuffs or human making stuffs?


You cannot do that. Its illegal, but there is a movie you can watch. 

Say it again, you say the medical board approve drugs are created by the synthetically process by the people like you, the chemist? The pure compound substance like...

Aspirin. Correct.

The island (2005)
