§ So when you specifically say Liver, you mean that is an organ cleanse, not like the hospital has a washing kidney procedure?

No. My medicine is not the hospital system. We are opponent. That system of curezone, is not allowed in today's medical industry to practice, or at least to cure. You have to go to Mexico, they let you do the juicing called Gersan institute. But as long as I don't save anyone, or trying to save lifes, they won't come after me. 

But you know everything about it?

If you meant my classmate issues on the television of 16 years those things you read, you can just pretend they don't exist, I do not wish to be compared to them. They won't help anyone like you, or like me because that is just the standard procedure. And their face is on the TV. There are a lot of neh and yeh says. If you have a question of anything inside the body, you can just ask me, yes. But like I said, my degree is in chemistry. Leonardo Da Vinci that is just for the military orientation table to read about painting. He is a surgeon, I know he is a surgeon. 

What is an Liver anyway?

Its an complex organ that regulate hermone, you can say, its more important than the Kidney, because it detox and kidney filters. One is detox function, one is filtering function. You cannot say which is more important than the other, but their function is utterly cannot be replaced one or the other.

So Liver stones are....like everyone all has them?


And gallbladder stones?

Probably so.

Are the liver and the gallbladder in the system?

Digestion System.

They digest food?

The Bile digests the oily, fat food.

So we getting stones because we cannot digest all the food?

We eat way too much food.

So you choose to be a liquidarian lifestyle was?

Its conveinient without chewing, that stomach is easier for them too. The stomach is like the liver, its an organ.

Can you tell me again about this Food going through GI track exactly pathway?

Moutn you chew the food to smaller pieces, to go through troat, all the way to reach stomach. You have them liver and pancrease secretion of their enzyme to digest further of all your mix and batch food....

Wait, you mean mix and batch food, you mean you design mono-diet for that reason?

Correct. Like if I am hungry, I eat an avocado every hour. So the food going out of the stomach, will reach intestine, they are looooong....to abosrb nutrition, and when it reaches to the colon, ascending colon, transcending colon, and descending colon, their water will be squeeze out, if you leave the food too long inside the body, like 2 or 3 days without going to the poo.

How often you go to poo?

Every morning.

How many times we should go to poo?

If saying you eat how many meals per day, you should at least go to poo every day. All the New Age doctor of this path will tell you so. If you don't, you will see your body started to feel bloating up at abdoman area, and one day it will keep growing bigger and bigger fat.
