▼ Let's say you are about to write your books ...


Can you just pick any scientists work on special things for the reader like me cannot understand biology what they invent to say calipillar is 500 codes repeat to turn into a butterfly?


Why not?

The discovering a substance within the cellular level, that is why they are called molecular biologist. A molecular level.


Some organism living things being created, if you just put a name to published, and acknowledge those function is what interests to the scientific worlds, on the existing research, they are.

They are all based upon the existing research?

Correct. You need reference to write books, and my books so far have no reference, so I don't know when one day to be published. 

Meaning they copy half of the other's works.

They read multiple papers, to gear a direction what they want to discover in a area of molecular biology. 

So no public will ever understand them?

Not the public. There is no meaning to the public. Those are boring subjects to a species creates an enzyme in the body to do this replication to do that elongation which no one knows what is a basic DNA replication.

So the way your theory to inquisitive their works are?

Their entire lines of works....the groups of them including the reference they are citing will be all checked and be affected. Like you bring the criminal on trial, and all of them are suspected.

You think its like that?

As ugly as that, you can ever imagined....

 How many people they cited for their one scientific works?

A lot ...

Are they all going to be jailed?

These things to be honest, are so trivial, their influence are not yet to be published to the magazine Nature. These scientific works they do. To say jails, unless someone uses their theory, to develop drugs, which ....they just do things with vitro, Yeast and bacteria. Its just dead without evidence. 

Do you want to tell me something? I don't like to hear what you just say something like this, as if ....

Its an abundant of pool of discovery called micro level of each function of small tiny things from DNA creates RNA creates amino acid.

What you try to say?

I mention there was a long time rumor in the scientific worlds, its the life begins at RNA. 

That means, its no more dogma DNA makes RNA makes Amino acid?

No, that is the existing mechanism. There is nothing wrong with it.


My map is RNA first....the comic books Sailor Moon endings was these double pyramids.

... ...

They are creating vectors based upon the DNA, they insert to DNA codes. That is the procedure.

Not RNA?

Because DNA is the original codes of storage information codes, you cannot reverse the sequence of doing those kinds of mechanism.


But if one day, that rumor being supported by my map, can be done through the RNA in some means without going to DNA. There will be no more karma. Its a synthetically human. Manually. 


Long long time I guess....and everything they ever did, will wipe out all NCBI. Maybe.



