▼ Biology Dogma

 DNA makes RNA makes Amino Acid, I know all that. What do you want to ask?

( Also amino acid makes proteins structural, to then become cell, tissues, organs. We cannot make organs ...yet, or a lot of people would not go to the black market for organs trafficking? ) 

What I want to ask is, if I don't have your book, you saying RNA is the first?

Correct, that would look like the right sequence according to the rumor among the scientific world. What they say about this dogma, are as long as we have DNA studies.We have sperms and eggs, they store DNA inside, you can never do reverse, you have to use DNA to make RNA to make amino acid.

So the map is wrong

Well....you cannot possible to get wrong if that is 64 codons, with a perfect symmatical math numbers on a sequence codes.

So you cannot make a human from RNA to DNA to amino acid.

Not I know of here, on Earth, where we are here today. RNA has so many types you see.... DNA are your grandpa, grandmom eye colors stores information,...its just ....there is a reason why that is known as dogma.
