§ So is there DNA in the liver, DNA in the kidney? How about bloods?

 DNA and RNA are in the cells of the Liver cells, the Kidney cells. The blood its where they carry the oxygen to reach these cells, so the cells don't die out. So the Organ die out if all the cells have no more blood going to.

Meaning do they look red, when you do a surgical works taken out?


Like the heart?


Because they must be full of the blood?

Not just that, those are heart muscle, you have muscle all seen red diagram on the chart? Anything muscle enwrape at, they are all blood coming through. 

Do they teach all these in the textbook?

The middle school textbook.

You don't learn this in the college?

I am a pre-pharmacy student, I taken PCAT.

You have a video on how you taken out the gallbladder stone, they have no bloods in them??

That is GI track. I keep saying to you, your stomach is not full of liquid, do you remember that? They are aired, hollow.

So there is a part of the ....what, GI track that is not contain bloods in them inside our body, that is the GI track. 

Does your mouth has blood in it?


But its in the tongue, in the mouth all around, if you bite it. You do have blood in the muscles below it you have every blood, if you break it open.

So if you break GI track system like using a knift bleed them, they will have blood coming out?


Are you sure?

Yes ! 

How do you know this, they told you in the curezone?

No, they give you the protocol.

But you are not a doctor.

You ask me a question, you only need the answer to be heard. These tiny little things in the body, you can just figure it out yourself, if you know where the gas, liquid, and solid food goes into your body.

So you experiment your body system a lot?


So if we repair our eating diet, like be more raw food, or liquid, like juicing, we will feel better our GI track?

Much better, and soon your skin will glow. Because your kidney just filtered really very light food, like the fruits and vegetable juice. 

You cannot use foundation for make-up, that is the reason why you do the juicing?

Not really that reason. I had some pimpoo used to, but in my life, my face does not have that huge and massive issues like others. But those time I was on the food, and lots of liver stones are still inside the body. Right now, my face occasionally acting up, but overall I prefer juicing life if that is allow in the expense, or I just drink water.

You have teeth photo on the Pinterest, how did you do that?

oh ~ I remember how I did that. I had a transparent teeth by experimenting the iodine. One day I keep seeing that, one day I forget it all....because I had a bf that time. That is horrible. So later we forget about it.....and til one day, I did so many these flushing after, and no more use those iodine, my teeth becomes super white.

So you know about the teeth?

Not really, but if you mean, for everything to look pretty on the body, I can tell you something about it. 

You say the foundation money is too much, so you don't buy for the make-up reason, it was for the water diet, and juicing diet?

I just told you, that is not the only reason. I use the foundation for the eye brow, because that is when its easy to paint, I don't have the eye brow born like Mona Lisa, so later, I will tell you, my skin is very white, to compare other people's photo, you will see. But as I was already having a bf, he doesn't really care I have make-up on, so I just by the way to ignore the foundation money, because its too much. But now, I will tell you, I am getting old, and for sure, I don't want to have foundation money, I will just choose juicing and water because for 16 years, I was on the water a lot.  Fasting and meditation.

So your make-up only does the eyes and the eye brow?

Yes ! I actually don't know how to do the rest of the make-up if they explain to me how.
