▼ Textbook & the Law

When you see these video of mine, what is going on, with you, to say "Law" you cannot just deny its existence in RNA, and why DNA does not look like that, if you went to the Library of Congress to ask them my books. I haven't published it yet.

It looks like UFO.

Correct, it looks like double pyramid stacking together the base.

If I tell you, today's science, its from the buttom base going towards the top, and my methods is from the tip of Top going down to the base, do you understand the analogy of it?

These what you see 64 condons charts, are ALL animal kingdoms, ALL plants kingdom, ALL insects kingdom, ALL humanoid kingdoms using the same exactly with "bilateral" ideas of charts, that define, we have 2 eyes, 2 ears, looking pretty, very very very pretty of symmatrical beings from God.

Do you understand what I am telling you about?


If all worlds except rocks, sands, clouds, air, fire, water... are not using these charts...do you know some of us, are not using the exactly codes to say we all own the 64 condon charts?

We just using it some of the codes.

Like insects can go invisibility. 

Do you see my recently YouTube Channels, all these birds video?

You should spend sometimes on it.

If a researcher like me declare myself like King of King throne statues, and these creation comes to greet me. There is a reason they doing so. They are very very intelligent, including fishes, one time i pass by a mall.

Right now I need to added some seasoning meat or animals ingredient it. I change it to the fish sauce. Birds are very very smart, and they are strong too. They live in the wild in the wind, in the temperature they endure all to stay in positive ideas, that human should live right in accordance with God. They are all like that. Very very impressive.

As for the Textbook

We are still undergo some of these process....human divinity of Ancient China history. The details I don't know how to verbalize it.

But yeah, the law can be put into the textbooks, if the military behinds can just try out themselves to figure it out some of things?

Because we are also in a process of that, its the money. Some people like me prefer working things out quietly and really able to solve it like the movie, National Treasure 1 and 2.

I hope you understand.
