§ If we say, we want to change the DNA codes, like change our inherited situation?

 Its too long of a codes, you mix up just looking at them.

So they are not like 10 base nucleotide?

No. You talking about the gene traits. Your inherited genes has some characteristics, that you want to change.

Right. Per cell?

Every cell including the reproduction cells.

If I have some white hair, mix with my regular hair color, does that mean some gene just don't function?

I actually don't know that. Your hair is actually grow from inside of your head skull. There are things just grow, like your nails. So I don't really know. 

If let's say, you want to change a gene, in the human is possible, you open up a human, where to manipulate genes?

No, you don't open the body, your body is full of the cells from the head to the toe of your body. Your entire physical body, inside out are made of cells, (tissues, organs, body)

So manipulating the gene, per cell count, we never finishing the jobs. 

Right, if you are saying in that way. I think you do things when the individual life creation was still a baby. That is what the ET meant they abduct pregnant women.

If we are a full grow human, we cannot really be modified, like the karma is set?

Your physical body is set. Your mindset, how to self improve, that is by your own Will power.

Is Will power manipulated by the body?

Your mood is manipulated by the body, but your strong will can tell the body, which is the temple of God says, you are hungry, go eat. You are tired, go sleep. Take care of your own physical body, the temple of God.

What is inside the body?


Is the body a container, inside the body, what are they?

Blood, organs, GI tracks?

When you say internal bleed....

Like GI track is hollow, your food going to your stomach, it didn't swim in it. 

Does muscles always contain blood?


The body everywhere always are the blood?


We are covered by the blood?


If we don't covered by the blood?

There is no oxygen sent to the cell, the cell died.

So if saying the body is full of the blood, the body is full of the cells?

I say that before, your head to toe are all bodily cell.

When you open a body, do you see blood?


Isn't that a lot of blood coming out, and we will die?

You mean the artery situation, or you mean the surgeon they just watch the patient's blood flow and die?

Where is the artery?

Your neck and your heart. You can look up the diagram.
