▼ Do you have a booklet or some kind of manual, or textbook, written things down for what you said, to explain all this?

 oh ! This article directory entire articles? No, these are just people ask me, so I answer them.

But if I need to look up some explaination, do you have something you reading from, textbook is fine.

My middle school has a textbook, my college has 2 textbook. The rest was in the lab, the first lab I have to do the presentation, I look up the peer reviews journals, or animation to see the actual DNA replication process to do with the mismatch enzyme mechanism.

So whom maybe I go and directly to talk to, might have all these answers to be check?

Probably the University professors.

Researchers, or college graduate, I can just do sample testing on them?

You want to test them, the things I said to you, all these?  I saying all these to you, its because I am explaining to you the details, others want to know, so there is a conversation kinda like, I used to have many students, they have nothing to verbalize any question of their main subjective goal. I wrote my books, if I written it all out, of course, I know all the needie grindie things inside everything being said. I wrote that book so the scientific community is ready to take on all to inquisitive me one person.

So do you have a reference to write that book?

