▼ So all the research in the bio-genetics world ...

 The exactly terms might be more like molecular biology.

What does that mean?

Most people does research with the yeast and bacteria.


Technically, you insert a vector in something smaller organism, you might find if it will work first, so later you say, you try on the more complex organism, like anything small mice.

So they don't just want to work with the human to start?

That will be clinical trial already. Well...do you know what is the bio genetics are doing in research? Its to develop a theory to find a new enzyme, a new function of mechanism in DNA, RNA, or Amino Acid. To discover something within the structure of the species.

I don't understand is, why don't they do something more constructive to change eyes colors.

You are born with it. 

There are lizard or something they can change color.

Gene are different.

Don't you say Gene is the DNA.

Do you know how much DNA is categories as Chromosome, then how much DNA is to say, that is the gene on the top of the Chromosome? They are all DNA!  If you define right, maybe you will become a scientist one day.

