▼ How many ways can you run a genetic tests?

 Saliva, or bloods, I have heard. The hair...I wonder that is what the CSI says. I don't know clear.

Pee and Poo

No, those are the waste forms of your body fluid or solid. They shouldn't have your genetic information in it. But they use the urine to tests others things.

So proven your books, its to prove your maps. Have you ever thoughts to run labs to proven those maps?

Of course not. I was never thinking to do anything but to just tell the public that is 1+1=2 Math methods we derived a 64 codes of double pyramids. Just by telling them that the committee, someone can just getting a sequence numbers of a 64 codes, they might never need an evidence, just ask you how you did it. Because, its almost impossible to think of this.

So now you are thinking about because we do the answer and questions sessions?

You ask me how to prove it, I will tell you that creation or creature we do not know whether its a plant, like Tree of Life, or an Animal with Flying Wing and Highlighter color glowing at night, or a Super human, who leap bounce on Earth surface without the gravity issues. Meaning a flying human without a wing. It never occurs to me why I need to prove that maps. They can just universally accept that maps. But yeah, if everyone seriously thinking about it the map, after I tell them, the Ma'am Ching Hai and BEAS meditation 5 Lords names are exactly on this map, we are connecting the spiritual worlds to the scientific worlds. That is sufficient to really write a book, not really I thought I need to prove it the first thing in priority?

