※ Do I feel that the genetics and our life is too far off connection? Is cellular memory talking about DNA memory?

 Yeah the DNA is stored in every cell, your body is literally everything is made of cells. The cell makes tissue, makes muscles, makes organs. Because you see, DNA is very very small, that is why when you see the animation, they use code to demonstration to you, they look like a chip idea, but they really are not chip idea. They shorten way to draw that to you. If you really see the original chemical formula, you will get confused.

What is the chemical formula?

The real looking DNA looking stuffs. Like if you do magic, you need a real image iconic, not symbol methods.

What do you magic stuffs?

Some people in this Chinese drama will tell you, in order to curse someone or something, they need to curve some wood or stone to about 70 % or 90% similar looking. When you define a scientific world, there is a reason, a lot of things being consider, because even the chemical formula is not really how the things really looks like. 

So how does the scientist know things are exactly right, if there is nothing drawing are the same, as the real thing?

They digest them in drawing, like resonance structure. Sometimes they drawing in hybrid ideas, so people get some 3D feeling something is mix with something, in chemistry normally just meant the orbits. In DNA, they just don't talk about that aspect of electron, orbits, or bonding structure, but it is exactly the same concept, its carbon bonding, to all sorts of molecule all around, that gives rise to Life.
