▼ Is enzyme cures people, or is proten cures people?

 Enzyme is to help a reaction to facilitate a situation. Enzyme is a type of protein. But not all proteins are enzymatic ....like carrying in an enzymatic reaction in the body cells. But proteins you have heard, help to build muscle, don't you? So...if they say, you take some proteins from your daily diet needs, you eat this this this this and that food.

Is nutritionalist people know about enzyme? 

You mean supplemental? They know everything about supplemental. If you mean the body inside those enzymatic reaction requires the details enzyme, those are biochemistry field, the biochemist's would know that.

Saliva is not enzyme?

Contains enzyme 

I always thought enzyme will help use to digest, or some function its to help the body.

If you want to know mouth is part of the digestion system, without chewing the food, its a chulk of a food goes inside the stomach, it will stress the organ very very much.

Does liquid like orange juice contains enzyme?

Vitamin C, and living enzyme, is that what you mean? Living food?

Like the light in the food?

Right, the same terms. Those are the terms. Living enzyme, living food.

Living Vitamin?

No, I probably would not say that. 

Why not?

Because to carry any reaction in any environment, there is a catalytic function how to accelerate the reaction or facilitate a reaction. That is why, I mention, there are reactions in the body, that is enzymatic reaction.  So if you propel a motion, probably you will say living enzyme is better than living vitamin C. There is a motion which catalytic to a reaction.

Is the Orange juice vitamin C is the same vitamin C in the store?


You take both?

