▼ Does Project Camelot knows ET, those people, or you know ET, on genetics?

 I do not know ET to be on genetics. They are like they say, they are whistle-blowers, they say a lot of things about ET or they went to interviews some people that is in the classified world nature, or military, to speak about things they comment on ET I guess.

Are you guys friends?

With the Project Camelot? No ! I am by myself.

What do you think they think of you, if they found out your works?

Probably don't like me. Because the ET stands more on my side, that I am a human, and their boss know that. ET does not like them. In this world ....there are many different sides of how the world comes together in different groups of people's interests. But wisdom is when you use your head to think clearly, where you say neh or yeh things about what you investigating account on people day to day life. What they did is good, they brought some news of something into light. I guess not many people are doing what they are doing for the works. So their efforts are not really something in vain, but is that what they want to build a relationship with ET if they went to see the Porsilin Doll?

Do you tell them about it?

Not yet. 

Why not?

I am not sure. They are on the Facebook, one of this days, I think about it. Its just one click.
