▼ So you were saying these codes have a function or not?

 No particular function unless its paired up, like I describe to you the dogma

DNA makes RNA, make Amino acid, the actually pairing up condon requires 3 codes, but they don't say "code", they say "codon"

Is that the same thing?

You don't really define DNA as codes, you see? It is problematic, too longsome to say, why they are not codes, but if someone defines as codons on the definition, they will tell you, there are shapes or mechanism of that detail mRNA, for example, we will say "condon" better, than you saying codes. If you saying code, people think its a programs, or something that is typing in. These mechanism in the biology living are ENTIRE World speices are using the same language, called

EVERY God's creation being, living, breathing, running, those kinds, are using mRNA codon process.

What do you say? So if you saying making a baby of every genetics terms, they are all the same as how to make an insect, a bird, an elephant, tiger, lion, monkey?


All those technical details terms, all true, to ALL God's living creation of his own images.

Symmatry, bilateral beings.
