※ If the dogma can go wrong, they would have already thought about it, before they create the central dogma?

The generation of our society, its not going to change over night. But yeah, if saying we are meeting the new human, does not need to sleep, does not need to eat, having 24 hours more time than us, jump, leap, and bounce....what my life could be to become?

How do you feel about this?

I used to do liver detox, as you can see the site. One day, I never need to prepare 3 meals a day, and washing and preparing food. And I have so much free time to do my graph design works on my old YouTube Channel, Joomla site for Organic. That kind of schedule one day, my period become less, and less, and my sleeping hours become less and less too. Do I feel different? I would tell you, until you making it, you have no ideas how "tired" everyone is, every person on the planet, so tired. They need a lot of energy to eat, sleep and drowsy to get sick and cancer because they are so stress out, by the money issues, by the people around them issues. Some people start dying when they were much younger age than I can ever imagine, I heard my parents say. And people's mind set, might be more they don't know they gonna die, so soon, and one day, just die. This society of strength to the people, are so slave to the sense that bind them to the eating habits. If you don't eat, you will fear, like when you were a baby with your parents. That feeling grisp is very very real. 

You mean people don't want to live.

There is a sense when you present yourself to people. Some people thought about living is a sure thing. Some people took their physical health and sense so careful, they know they are responsible to their own life, to live old, so everyone can depend on them. Do you know that responsibility is not a dying wish subconscious or consciously doing it on purpose, to just go out and die? Responsibility to your own weight, to your own diet, responsibility to the fitness of your awareness of your body build, mental, physical and psychological, because it meant to the whole humanity, that you one person, carrying a responsibility its to live longer the better? That ... I look at people, whom just different in life. Present their hope and dream, but they are not 100% sure, what is a physical body, what is their language of the divine theory, theologian. Trying to be the mature person and acting like one mature things to do. Learn little things about your every sense of your body, if you feel colder temperature, you button up your sleeves and go outside with a jacket you zip up. You put a hat, you put a scarf, you know how to take care of your body. But  most people so into their thinking, whom I am going to see, they get out of the door, they forget their keys. Their thinking are occupied in their entire life awareness. They don't enjoy taking care of themselves physical muscles, physical body bones, physical walking distance, or running for the lungs. They don't enjoy it. That kind of sense slaving, no one wants to get up to become a better human. No hygienic concept whatsoever....
