▼ If DNA has memory, like parents are negative thinking, does DNA carried on these trait of being negative to the next generation?

 Most time, the geneticist will just tell you DNA only to do with the physical trait. Because DNA is instructional blue print to give cell instruction how to synthesize protein, to built cells, tissue, organs.... 

But you will hear some more New Age scientist telling you, DNA has other multi-dimensional function, that is to do with the consciousness. No one can really proven to you. If you just try to think positive, you can override your parents creates your DNA, if that is what you saying to resist their negativity against yours life this far. 

I just want to know if DNA anything to do with the thought consciousness.

There is. Its called cellular memory. Your cell store memory where? Every cell duplication process, is that Twlight flirt scene, looking into the microscope. Those phase, are cell division phase. Your genetics information will be duplicated into another cell.
