▼ Is there a reason why bio genetics blooming so strongly since the 90s?

 They were sequencing building database. There is a database I am telling you called NCBI. Internationally, some scientists do far beyond works.

Are they against God?

Details I probably know not much about it. Tell me what do you want?

A brand new eyes, not all these washing hard works to do, too much works. Can you create that?

You mean slaughter baby brand new to blind his eyes and see if you can surgically hook 2 bloody eyes inside your eye concave, meaning taken your old eyes out ?

No. The pathway of the eyes goes to the central nerves systems all the way behind on your spine. You never done dissection, which nerve you gonna grab right and see right….that’s …if you dead body open all case to string every nerves on your back. Have heard you lay down surgical or you upside down surgical ?

I don’t think so.

You torn your physical body that God given you by your old age ago, or what 30 years old? So 30 years you deteriorate your body parts to blame God there is no easy way out, or convinence way, because everyone else make a true hard working methods are just should consider “in vain”? It’s because you cannot see how others worlds to delicate their template of God in the best manner to find cures, so you are given a tale to hear today by sitting here.

You are here just to hear tales.
