§ How to make money with your stuffs?

 You can follow the current trend of people, using the maps from RNA, to see what's saying in I Ching, and in Amino Acid, because DNA and RNA are just codes, to most people that the code does not have a meaning.

How do you make it a meaning?

DNA alphabet I used to do, like an art. What it can apply to let's say, I go and write a book, all you see its called ucggaccccggg, and manually how I use that NCBI database step by step, and I plot them into an art form. And telling you, that these sequences of the codes or the genes are that lizzard types of changing color in the wild. But to you, just a bunch of codes. You have no use in life.

And the human?

Which genes are identified to say, you have a inherited disease like blood clot issues. They are just codes that looks like a long stream of alphabets written in English. And in my art form, they are still alphabet, that register no meaning in you. 

They are no double helix?

You are written on a book, or a webapge, there is no shape saying that, just a strean of key codes.

Are they genes define that?

Yes. Most you will say which gene has that kind of gene traits. But  most people just hear DNA has that characteristic.

So just does what the current scientists do?

You mean if the apparatus sounds like a plan. Tesla patent has several words associate with the apparatus. 

DNA and RNA are very small right?

Very small.

And you need 64 condons unknown creature, that contains these codes in duplicate formats, they show up visiblely for others to capture, to do the blood tests?

