▼ I don't have your book, The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes

 But I read about the National Treasure, and Orientation Table. I was wondering how did you originally have thoughts to decode RNA codon.

I just feel I want to invent something, feeling it, and I start to open textbook, and make a drawing to start. One of those yellow sheet with lines, I start to draw the chemical structure of RNA, or DNA. At that time I know the dogma is DNA makes RNA.

So then, what happened?

You stare at it, and one day I plot into the computer, although the clue is always been right there, I made into a clip, but I never solve it until 2012/2013. Its right in front of my eyes.

I want to learn how to think.

Science has a lot of math. Natural science of other mechanism other than math. You have to have an interest to delt upon the science subjects. I think you want to find out the National Treasure.

Do you think we have to learn how to decode your decoding process, in order to get the National Treasure going on process? Because that is science. But finding treasure might be just location, to go and move stuffs, and open ! 

I actually don't have a plan, because I have a lot of crisis in my life, and the world in large is in crisis, so I won't be even thinking about the National Treasure that much. I still continue to write some article here and there for natural science subject was to left something, in case the world situation will getting worse, that no one stays. So part of these notes, can be passing down to people whom might be interested to learn from.

What do you think the National Treasure is about?

They say 10 generation of some ..making? So I don't plan to ruin a lot of hope if it is our Era time. Getting money from what we really good at, like publishing a book, sounds more like how I making money be the priority, if the gold becomes an issue. But steady of working out the movies, we do learning it all together, some essential people, to keep talking about it. Some people might like it, some people might still finding glue, some people thought about. To get the conversation open, to keep that dialogue, I think those process is more important, than just finding a treasure and all taken by myself? 
