★ Now, there is a biology dogma, when you say, the cells build the tissues, build the organs....

 And the systems later....There is a gland system, I forget, like your tear glands.

Are they a dogma?

No, those are just process how the physical body is built after the dogma was giving that the law.

So there is no way to stopping it?

From the baby, no.

Is there DNA in the system?

No, the System meant like the circulation system, or the nerve system, they have a pathway doing that so, they are the feedback system of different parts of the organs, to connects to your brain or to your spine cords. They are the muscles, the tissue, they are the ultimate cells forms, so they do have DNA contains, but when you say the neuro pathway of some kinds, those are not DNA you mean, you mean the nerve travels from the toes to your brain, by how many second to deliver rate you feel the pain? or to be exactly say, the nerve from your toe, to travel to your Central Nerve System, called CNS, then they feed the info to the brain, and by how many seconds, you will react by the brain telling you so, that you yell, "ouch"

Those are not DNA contain?

You mean if DNA controls you, your will control you to live, and your brain reacts on your eyes impair didn't see the objects you hit your foot with, and the central nerve system receive that message behind your spine, to go and tell your brain, to go and tell your mouth to automatically react, its a pain reaction, and say it ! 

Its really like that?

No. You don't have to say "ouch", if your immediate reaction its feeling the pain, some people automatically reaction is fast, so they yell it all out.

What does that mean the DNA controls you?

Its your muscle reflexion controls your body, not to fall down. Just feeling the pain, and move away. Some people are comical, so they fall down? But the way you asking the questions, you wonder at the end, if the DNA just sits in every nucleus of the cells, to bossing the brain, to tell you that color is red. No, your brain has the eyes, that tells the brain, that's the color red. That is your recognition ability you learn from your parents telling you the English word, that is a Red color.

Which system is that?

Nerve system tells the signals. 

Not circulation?

No, the blood feeds the eyes to have the oxygen, to keep blinking it, and shows your are curious with your eyes moving? There are the eye muscles you know?

So when you writing your father color blind prescription of all that...

I just found out, he might not be the color blind, i got mix up.

Do you know all these, and see it clear, how the DNA, and the eye muscles and remedies, or the treatment, you tell your father to do?

Yes. I know them for 8 longs years, before AGT could grill me on the stage, for one million dollars?

So you were prepared?


Do you have any reference I can look up these terms and pathway, or what, in a book?

I used to learn that in the middle school textbook. The rest are I just know them, by reading curezone protocol but a lot of things, I just know them.

By experimenting on yourself?


So you know it perfectly where everything will go, when you experimenting on yourself.

Correct, 100%. 
