▼ Explain my AGT video, City of Light ( RNA map ) The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes

 The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes ( AGT, American Got Talent 2014)

I am not sure if I can answer you what question, there are poeple does the military orientation table, they need to figure it out their National Treasure movies.


 1. Where were you?

Niagara Falls

2. Is that where Tesla Statue are?

Not too far from it.

3. Why did you decide to go there?

Up there, is much north than where I live, and in the winter time, the wind is very very strong as you can tell in the clips. As I was designing the song, I actually brought the electric piano, to go there, to film the music or film me myself playing. There is no toilet there.I got a bucket to prepare to use because I know there is no one there.

4. So 8 years ago, what happened?

I was feeling to invent something, I really am. There is sometimes something got to me, I feel, I just want to soak for a while in the numbers, and that is how I started it. I was so young, I was in school first year in UB, it was exciting when I see the initial step. I actually feel something, not 100% believing it. 

5. Why did you decide to tell that story to Simon?

Because I research on him. I found out he is Westinghouse, the Vain guy on the Google digital library. 

6. Why on Earth, you will feel he is the Westinghouse.

I am glad I did feel that way, because everything evolve after that proven, I should go to AGT. But I will tell you, it will be everyone's laugh, because technically everyone knows bio-genetics and AGT has nothing to do with each other. Tesla history of works...for example, if I claim that name, I know exactly what I create, a lot of things, Westinghouse just providing a platform, not necessarily experty. His field is in music. Bio and music has nothing to do with each other. Its complicate different field.

7. So when you decide to go to AGT, you just believe it?

Yes, I believe 100% he is the Westinghouse, that is why 2014 was so hard year for me, because I keep pushing it, there is no other way out. No other way.

8. Do you plan the script as it goes, or you have a story board?

As it goes.

9. You create those cubes, film one time?

One time.

10. Speech?

One time.

11. The Wall of Light is Tesla biography X-12 Venusian book says?


12. How come you didn't explain?

I capitalize it. I figure it out Simon has way too many things, to even look that closely. I want to tell him something, but I cannot really tell him. I was in fear of Tesla name. I used to read American Classified, I was very frighten about if these name going out of the hands.

13. So why do you decide to use candle?

Dollar store can purchase. A lot of these design is only dollar store I can buy, and just make it.

14. Just make it?

Bio genetics is not to be artistically illustration but for the time being, plus, Simon makes no difference what I tell him, I just do what it is easy for me.

15. What it is easy for you?


16. Do you think the military behind creates the exact things?

I used to didn't know, this year I start to know, when I read my video. Those cubes and rulers, they are copying it. To get the feel of everything including the paints and all that.

17. Do you think copy it will make it works?

A lot of people probably commerical big corperation will do that. Its not expensive. Just paint, and cubes. Its where to acquire those cubes was at the beginning a headache. Because dollar store only sell how much, I have to keep going back to purchase. In America, there is somewhere I can get it.

18. Was that for the art work?

Yes. Like my picture.

19. Do you feel hatred if you didn't get one million dollar from Simon?

Not really. He is in a music field, I already know that. I was feeling very awkard and strange, because the history is wrong? There is a lot of question mark, but if one thing leads to another, it was so much afterwards. When the history is wrong, I feel more worse about if getting a money or not. The history shouldn't be wrong.

20. You so sure he is the Westinghouse?

Yes. Da Vinci's boss, Ludovico. His shadows is in the photos, I can just see it. And he got Lauren on. I have no idea what to tell him about Da Vinci parts, because Westinghouse is the reason I am going there for, not Ludovico....later I told him, because I fed up I have to do everything, a little bit like Leonardo Da Vinci, I felt in 2014.

21. You don't think the music people they know about Leonardo Da Vinci?

Not sure. The Art people like Apple knows about Da Vinci.

22. Do you come up this plan, after deciding to join in the AGT, like 4 direction of colors?

That is White Buffalo Women prophecy, rainbow warrior stuffs. That clothing was like Lord of Ring cutsom I bought, but the main reason was White Buffalo Women prophecy. Its a Buffalo reason to tell Simon something if later he traced back. Not Lord of Rings. Its a prophecy.






