▼ If we ask the birds about the genetics, do you think they understand what is the genetics?

 No, they shouldn't have. That is inside of them to the very small degree.

But you see they are intelligent, understand the human language.

That is an ability, your genome gives you an ability. Meaning your DNA from your parents, give you an ability.

So all ability is from the genome?


But the ability is not the hair color blonde, or the blue eyes, or elf ears those kinds of physical traits.

You have an inclination of your Intelligent to develop, you are prone to the breast cancer because of your family history. Ever heard those? 

Its not definite, its just say it is prone to?

Everything of you, its from a physical aspect of genome sequence.

Meaning dreams too? 

Your brain can trigger it, your vibration can trigger it, your guardian angel might trigger it, like now you see all these TV drama telling you there are Hunger game, there are sponsors. You do know what kinds of the world we are going forward at. The movie the TV is you just heard others are saying it, you are witness others are dealing with it. You are not sure my friends are all there. I am not sure when they gonna be here. But I email Dr. T. I told Jonathon straight this time. But whom am I to tell you, how these people gonna felt if they see themselves face on TV? So these very small numbers of people's face, are on the police wall, or stations of somewhere, to process these cases. So only police station if they are network the entire nation with it, they advance together to say, 

    We know whom they are

    We met whom they are

    We film whom they are

    We collect their works profolio whom they are

    We compare the TV results of whom they are.

We are doing it together on the Earth grounding methods. That is First, Recognition.

Recognition, recognition, recognition.

So you believe everything your human body has, its all coming from genetics?

Correct. They exist, you exist.

High pitch voice, nice singing talent?

Yes. You have a vocal cord built and you can manipulate it. You might be learning that later, but you have a Celion Dion vocal cord? You are not sure. Are you more rhythm gear to, like you hear a music, do you feel you are familiar with the music world? Are you tend to be a happy person when you hear the music and sing with it? Do you fee "familiarity"  like your grandpa, like your grandmom?

So if the brain got drug damaged, can you fix it with DNA?

No. Their neuron got eaten away, there is nothing there in the brain, at least what it is shown to me in my anatomy lab.

So if its been gone, the DNA cannot initial a repair system?

The DNA repair system is only on the DNA level. Meaning, AT the DNA, when they do copy and paste procedure, not when you were a baby, how your brain was built up by the DNA slowly to a full grown human skull.

So if you already grow your brain after the baby stage, you cannot never grow the second brain?

Correct, that is all you got, for one life time.

