▼ Does your parents know you are doing this?


You have no family member knows who you are, doing what you are doing, making website, and lecturing people online with stuffs you discover?


You doing things for free, how you gonna live by life?

I have to get things done in a very short amount of time, the last 8 years time. And one day, that time i finally can breath. I seriously need to breath. So life already turn much better when I can really breath and rest quietly. You don't do things so to earn an acknowledge, you do things, are to make sure, time is allowed to finish all the things to be done. To a lot of people behind, whether they know me in person, like face to face seen it, or not seen it, they need an evaluation report all the time, about my brain. So I give freely these things, to open an channel, you can just ask me easily, I would not go on purpose, to make everyone's life hard, to do an evalution.

So does it hurt you, your friends, they are MD, and be on that Bermuda Lines?

The education in America, requires some understanding and intuition part. Like if you say Steve Jobs when he hear something he will act on, but his son won't. Because they are two different individual. So faciliation of their education, still what I will be doing to my friends.

If I were you, I would never do that. They deserve to go to hell.

I am 2 years older than they are. There is not much to compare that at all. Me and my friends, college those crowd are very very different personality.

Not even my parents know that about me, whom to I to prove? Bite your lip, and continue ...sometimes the life don't need to spell all that is fair or not fair.
