▼ What is bio-tech company that gives you all these procedure kits so you have a beginning reactant to find the end products?

A series of procedure, at the end, you kill the cell, for them to open up, and hoping one of the things you looking for....if a cell is like a sea clam, open up, and split it out the pearl.

That is how you describe it?

Yes !

So you always have to kill the cell to get something? 

I don't remember my first lab when they looking for a mis-match nuclease...an enzyme, we use e-coli I think. They using vector to insert a particular sequence to see, if this e-coli can give out some gene trait expression. When that expression can be express, you will have a product like nuclease stain on a gel like a stuff, present under a photo image. How did I get that nuclease I don't remember. But the second lab, when we have to diagnosis the actual chromosome, we have to cultivate these cells for several days to large enough colony, for us to do some kind of examining, that is to break the cell open. Not e-coli, the real human cell.

If as an investor ...

There is some known bio tech company situate places. They selling everyone kits, and annually they create new methods. 

Do they lawful make each lab must using these technique?

I don't think so. Its just you get the results, and they probably mail the existing lab some advertising, so the owners of the lab, normally knows everything about the lab, will decide to order it or not from these company.

Does people spend a lot of time in the university with these lab, if they are like graduate students?

A lot of time. 

They have nothing but working time?

Right. A lot of them going to Pharmaceutical, like one of my roommate. She is not bio-chemistry, or bio-genetics. I always hear, you know, they have to go back to the lab.


Does chemistry do lab too, you think?

Yes. They just don't go and tempting on the living things. There are procedure to let's say, American military get the oil from somewhere, these cruel oil has to be process to filter down so many different grades, in order to be made into a plastic toy, or every other things that uses oil to create our modern life convenience. 



