▼ AGT you only shows one map ...

 I have a map in RNA, DNA and amino acid.

No Proteins?

No. I Ching is another one.

You all use the similar methods to finding it the double pyramid shapes?

Yes. They are all double pyramid shape. I used to see Indian facebook of a guru for 2012. He advocates some of the doomsday, but he introduces some of the artitechure in India. Its the same double pyramid, but you cut them in half, and glue to the tip together instead.

Like Time funnel

Correct, like time funnel.

The decoding method, is that like a math, is that like pattern recognition, is that geometry?

No. Its hardly "a math" if you say college degree level but its to do with the number for sure.

What is your theory on meditation and your DNA, if these maps like you say, are all double pyramids?

Well, like I said before, to own 64 codons, that is not how it works. And there is some missing puzzle as well, I used to read some other things I thought I didn't forget that. When I collaborate with others, I can actually ask the professional in biochemstry or bio-genetics experts.

So anyone can decode this? Middle School, high school?

Yes ! If they learn about the basic biology books on genetics, the basic ones.

Do you ever discuss about your books with anyone?

No. I just working to get ahead of time, once I got the right from the Library of Congress, I went to AGT, and then, Simon knows how hedic, my life becomes 8 years this....he is Harry Potter, and we are shifting characters, because....there is a Ryan issue.

Do you see these events how they evolve as ...?

Very puzzling filling. No one will ever expect that, and many of these works, are first run, first done. No one can rehearsal this....my heart need some comfer of it if I am so that girly girl.

How do you gonna deal with Simon, Keanu, Howard, you and Neville situation to move out of Harry Potter, to a new younger generation, like you say, prepare a few sets of people to start playing some scripts, especially working together as Harry Potter meant?

That is the hardest part. With Simon, and Keanu, or Howard or even Eben, the way how I am, if I be replaced by let's say, Blake Lively does this job, they will get no support, you cannot find the working relationship in that. I still think we are the best to look upon team, so far. I try not to worry the younger team....kinda my age, similar to High School Musical youth them, 30 something years old that bracket. Simon and Keanu they do something different to arrive how independent they most time can be, same is Howard, same is Eben. Being independent is actually become a maturity representation to a lot of back end people, as an icon. I see that important. I still deciding....
