
 March 14th, 2022

From the facebook
You don't know what this is?
Ana phrase - Twilights
4:10 Pro phrase.
You cannot hear English?
They are all DNA replication, both side.
Side by side.
Identical meaning they are exactly the same
Identical = the same.
They use some English words to describe that "physicality of what you see", appearance of the homogolus....
Protic...that is an adjective term.
To describe, that is the different equator/axiel line up, in between that side by side miosis and meiosis.
Skin cell on the left side, the Y or X, those called reproduction cells I think its the Mieosis, its only half chromosome.
Right...its called sexual reproduction.
Its just two of that....really. One left side, one right side.
There are only that 2 exist inside the body. nothing else.
Why the reproduction is half chromosome?
Because Lee is a guy, I am a girl, Come together, that is a baby, to become the correct full chromosome.
He chem, probably not biology, really.
Its by the counts of the Chromosome numbers really. Human has 23 pairs of chromsome, NEVER changes.
23x 4 = 92 zillions SMCH Blessing points, how to get the most blessing in the world......
I think 20 years away from the book, its everything looks....retarded fresh memory at all. Those were more like high school, or middle school I seen them. High school first year, we had biology?
That is so long ago, but he talks in English.
He describes you things, "The outward manifestation of Godly kingdom of Laws." - One of those Gregg Braden New Age human pass 2000, and 2012, to becomes...Divine Code.
Matrix, God Codes.
Your english professor looks like Lahiri, probably dead by now?
He was saying many many describing, Profession words, that is in the biology class. I never took those, those are Greek to me.
I probably by hearing the sound, I know what the
"homo, hetero, log...." so combine them, I roughly know.
That is how you take GRE, ....your kinds is....synonyous? Dictionary.....
Well the governmental English here jobs...Govenmental employee here in Taiwan, they have to learn "separate words" front or middle of ending....I roughly knows that.
I technically finish learning English vocabulary since after GRE, or really SAT.
I think PCAT.
That is the last term, I really learn English, every words you hear, was from PCAT.
No, Twilight, was saying.....both.
Mitosis, and Meiosis....
But Meiosis, they have more division, at the beginning, he tell you all that. He says, let's look at the Division numbers.
Twilight tell you the general knowledge base. Its correct.
Both of them are correct.

Skin cell replicate your scrap broken skin cells, repairng the exactly the same cells.
Reproduction cell, reproduce?
Cannot you read your own English words saying all that?

You cannot possibly getting wrong by reading your own English, they tell you straight exactly how they naming things, exactly?
I am not English native speaker, and I know that? They tell you at their name?

The rose gallary was.....the open game, middle game, and end game.
That is the conclusion of.....the daughter cells.....Those are near ....the END?

Its called the Gamnnyes?
.... meaning, in the entire World ALL Earth co-inhabitant reproduction cells if they have....those are...should called that name...its a reproduction phrase cells....whatever they are saying that, I think. Describe you you draw the circle.

Correct, he says sex cells.

No, you all got it wrong, EVERY cell has DNA so there is a DNA replication, first line, on his first paper.
DNA replication means everything is chromosome, I say that in 2019, on the website, how many times I have to correct that?
Chromosome its the condensation of the cluster of long strings DNA. They are all DNA.'
My video, that is the beginning of the map, that is RNA.
Well, forget about the RNA, no one can register that stuffs.
Throw that out.
You start at DNA.
Never mind, I copy paste on Eben, used to be dead yet...client website.
No one needs to ask any questions.....
Gene express, correct.
Traits are on the gene, right on top of it (on the top of DNA, you see lab stain)
 So I have the blonde hairs?
They are all DNA replication....
You making a new cell, whether its a regular cell or sex cell.
They have a different functionality.....your English words are exactly meant they say, really....that individual drawing, you draw?
You lay out the division, how to draw, they describe you each step, what you drawing it down on the paper, those have every step = a name,
English words, professional biology words? How stupid can this be?
They are in English?
Shut up birds !!!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!

They show you slides? Those color chart? He says "words"
He laswer pen, that UK professor, I forget....I think I went to his office too. Why everyone looks similar....Was he....UK Cell biology, that is a guy right?
I cannot remember, they might be all too old, ready to die.
I become the King of all KING!
There are only vivo and vitro I keep telling you.
The reason you could just forget the right side whole column, because that is "touching the divine force" creating life....I told you too many times, no clinic trial on human baby...America will tell every world out, not just every nation has their own laws, they tell America, probably.
That is a no.
Vivo and vitro to which things has a heart, soul, and mind.
Yeast or bacteria, has no heart soul and mind, you see the completely sets of "heart, soul mind"
A full heart, you see jumping, walking, standing in front of you, they use eyes to see you, Soul within, Chinese literacy, soul within seeing through out the eyes.


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